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The Harvester - A tool for pasive and active reconnaissance

The Harvester: simple-to-use yet powerful and effective tool for early-stage penetration testing and red team engagements. We can use it to gather information to help identify a company's attack surface. The tool collects emails, names, subdomains, IP addresses, and URLs from various public data sources for passive information gathering. It has modules.

Automate the modules we want to launch:

1. Create a list of sources, one per line, sources.txt.

2. Execute:

 cat sources.txt | while read source; do theHarvester -d "${TARGET}" -b $source -f "${source}_${TARGET}";done

3. When the process finishes, extract all the subdomains found and sort them:

cat *.json | jq -r '.hosts[]' 2>/dev/null | cut -d':' -f 1 | sort -u > "${TARGET}_theHarvester.txt"

4. Merge all the passive reconnaissance files:

cat facebook.com_*.txt | sort -u > facebook.com_subdomains_passive.txt
$ cat facebook.com_subdomains_passive.txt | wc -l
Last update: 2023-07-02
Created: July 2, 2023 20:08:45