Footprinting Windows
System Information
If systeminfo
doesn't display hotfixes, they may be queriable with WMI using the WMI-Command binary with QFE (Quick Fix Engineering) to display patches.
It is essential to become familiar with standard Windows processes such as Session Manager Subsystem (smss.exe), Client Server Runtime Subsystem (csrss.exe), WinLogon (winlogon.exe), Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS), and Service Host (svchost.exe), among others
Environment variables:
Installed programs:
Interface(s), IP Address(es), DNS Information
Users and groups
Enumerating Protections
Many organizations utilize some sort of application whitelisting solution to control what types of applications and files certain users can run. This may be used to attempt to block non-admin users from running cmd.exe
or powershell.exe
or other binaries and file types not needed for their day-to-day work. A popular solution offered by Microsoft is AppLocker. We can use the GetAppLockerPolicy cmdlet to enumerate the local, effective (enforced), and domain AppLocker policies.
Some EDR tools detect on or even block usage of common binaries such as net.exe
, tasklist
, etc.
List AppLocker Rules
Test AppLocker Policy
Display Running Processes:
The main thing to look for with Active Network Connections are entries listening on loopback addresses ( and ::1) that are not listening on the IP Address ( or broadcast (, ::/0).
Nmap and TTL
Nmap script
TTL technique
Time To Live
(TTL) counter when utilizing ICMP to determine if the host is up.
A typical response from a Windows host will either be 32 or 128. We can utilize this value since most hosts will never be more than 20 hops away from your point of origin, so there is little chance of the TTL counter dropping into the acceptable values of another OS type. More at
Last update: 2025-02-23 Created: October 20, 2024 18:03:15