Tmux - A terminal multiplexer
Basic usage
start new:
start new with session name:
attach to named:
list sessions:
kill session:
Kill all the tmux sessions:
In tmux, hit the prefix ctrl+b
(my modified prefix is ctrl+a) and then:
Tmux Plugin Manager
clone the Tmux Plugin Manager repo to our home directory:
Next, create a .tmux.conf file in the home directory.
The config file should have the following contents:
Source the file:
Basic usage
Finally, here are some additional plugins that we like:
tmux-sessionist - Gives us the ability to manipulate Tmux sessions from within a session: switching to another session, creating a new named session, killing a session without detaching Tmux, promote the current pane to a new session, and more.
tmux-pain-control - A plugin for controlling panes and providing more intuitive key bindings for moving around, resizing, and splitting panes.
tmux-resurrect - This extremely handy plugin allows us to restore our Tmux environment after our host restarts. Some features include restoring all sessions, windows, panes, and their order, restoring running programs in a pane, restoring Vim sessions, and more.
Check out the complete tmux plugins list to see if others would fit nicely into your workflow. For more on Tmux, check out this excellent video by Ippsec and this cheat sheet based on the video.
Last update: 2025-02-23 Created: May 22, 2023 16:04:59