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Ruby and rbenv Cheat Sheet

Essential Ruby and rbenv Commands

Check Installed Ruby Version

ruby -v

Install Multiple Ruby Versions

rbenv install 3.0.6
rbenv install 3.1.0

List Installed Versions

rbenv versions

Set Global Ruby Version

rbenv global <version>

Set Local Ruby Version (Per Directory)

rbenv local <version>

Update Shims (Ensure Commands Use the Correct Ruby Version)

rbenv rehash

Install a Gem System-Wide

gem install <gem_name>

Troubleshooting Running WPScan with Ruby 3.0.6 and Metasploit with Ruby 3.1.0

Step 1: Set Global Ruby Version for WPScan

To ensure WPScan runs with Ruby 3.0.6, set it as the global version:

rbenv global 3.0.6
rbenv rehash

Verify the active version:

rbenv versions

Install WPScan:

gem install wpscan

Step 2: Configure Ruby 3.1.0 for Metasploit

To ensure Metasploit uses Ruby 3.1.0, set a local Ruby version inside its directory:

cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework
rbenv local 3.1.0
rbenv rehash

Running Metasploit from Any Directory

By default, msfconsole -q will only work inside /usr/share/metasploit-framework. To run it from anywhere, use one of these approaches:

Approach 1: Specify the Version Inline

RBENV_VERSION=3.1.0 msfconsole -q

Modify your .zshrc file:

sudo nano ~/.zshrc

Add the following function at the bottom:

# Wrapper for Metasploit to ensure it runs with Ruby 3.1.0
msfconsole() {
  echo "Launching Metasploit..."
  (cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework && exec /usr/share/metasploit-framework/msfconsole "$@")

Apply the changes:

source ~/.zshrc

Now, both wpscan and msfconsole can be used from anywhere in the system with their respective Ruby versions.

Last update: 2025-02-23
Created: February 23, 2025 12:06:38