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MySQL: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system(RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL). It is developed and managed by oracle corporation and initially released on 23 may, 1995. It is widely being used in many small and large scale industrial applications and capable of handling a large volume of data. After the acquisition of MySQL by Oracle, some issues happened with the usage of the database and hence MariaDB was developed.

By default, MySQL uses TCP/3306.

Authentication Mechanisms

MySQL supports different authentication methods, such as username and password, as well as Windows authentication (a plugin is required).

MySQL default system schemas/databases:

  • mysql - is the system database that contains tables that store information required by the MySQL server
  • information_schema - provides access to database metadata
  • performance_schema - is a feature for monitoring MySQL Server execution at a low level
  • sys - a set of objects that helps DBAs and developers interpret data collected by the Performance Schema

Footprinting mysql

sudo nmap $ip -sV -sC -p3306 --script mysql*

Connect to database: mysql

From Linux

mysql -u username -pPassword123 -h $ip 
# -h host/ip   
# -u user As default mysql has a root user with no authentication

mysql --host=INSTANCE_IP --user=root --password=thepassword
mysql -h <host/IP> -u root -p<password>
mysql -u root -h <host/IP>

mysql -u root -h -P 3306 -pPassword123
# -P: port


# Targeting a local account:
sqsh -S $ip -U <username> -P 'MyPassword!' -h

# Targeting Windows authentication
sqsh -S $ip -U .\\username -P 'MyPassword!' -h
# -h: disable headers and footers for a cleaner look. from impacket -p $port username@$ip 

If we can guess or gain access to credentials, this allows us to remotely connect to the MSSQL server and start interacting with databases using T-SQL (Transact-SQL). Authenticating with MSSQL will enable us to interact directly with databases through the SQL Database Engine. From Pwnbox or a personal attack host, we can use Impacket's to connect as seen in the output below. Once connected to the server, it may be good to get a lay of the land and list the databases present on the system.

python3 Administrator@$ip -windows-auth  
# With python3 help you can see more options.

From Windows


mysql.exe -u username -pPassword123 -h $IP


sqlcmd -S <server> -U <username> -P 'MyPassword!' -y 30 -Y 30
# When we authenticate to MSSQL using `sqlcmd` we can use the parameters `-y` (SQLCMDMAXVARTYPEWIDTH) and `-Y` (SQLCMDMAXFIXEDTYPEWIDTH) for better looking output. Keep in mind it may affect performance.

From GUI Application

Server Management Studio or SSMS

Download from: SQL Server Management Studio or SSMS

MySQL Workbench

Download from:


dbeaver is a multi-platform database tool for Linux, macOS, and Windows that supports connecting to multiple database engines such as MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, among others, making it easy for us, as an attacker, to interact with common database servers.

To install dbeaver using a Debian package we can download the release .deb package from and execute the following command:

sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-<version>.deb

# run dbeaver in a second plane
 dbeaver &

Basic commands



# Example:
SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE username != 'john' AND id > 1;

Additionally there are two strings that you can use to comment a line in SQL:

  • # The hash symbol.
  • --The two dashes followed by a space-
# Show datases
SHOW databases;

# Show tables
SHOW tables;

# Create new database
CREATE DATABASE nameofdatabase;

# Delete database
DROP DATABASE nameofdatabase;

# Select a database
USE nameofdatabase;

# Show tables
SHOW tables;

# DESCRIBE keyword is used to list the table structure with its fields and data types:
DESCRIBE nameoftable;

# Dump columns from nameOftable
SELECT * FROM NameOfTable;
# SELECT name, description FROM products WHERE id=9;

# Another useful SQL clause is LIKE, enabling selecting records by matching a certain pattern. The query below retrieves all records with usernames starting with admin. The % symbol acts as a wildcard and matches all characters after admin. It is used to match zero or more characters. 
SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username LIKE 'admin%';

SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username NOT LIKE 'Bear';

# Create a table with some columns in the previously selected database
CREATE TABLE person(nombre VARCHAR(255), edad INT, id INT);

# Modify, add, or remove a column attribute of a table
ALTER TABLE persona DROP edad VARCHAR(200);
ALTER TABLE persona ADD edad VARCHAR(200);

#  `NOT NULL` constraint ensures that a particular column is never left empty

# `UNIQUE` constraint to ensure that the inserted item are always unique

# Another important keyword is the `DEFAULT` keyword, which is used to specify the default value. `Now()` in MySQL returns the current date and time:
ALTER TABLE persona ADD date_of_joining DATETIME DEFAULT NOW();

# `PRIMARY KEY`, which we can use to uniquely identify each record in the table
    username VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    date_of_joining DATETIME DEFAULT NOW(),
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

# Finally, We can use ALTER to change the name of any table and any of its fields or to delete or add a new column to an existing table. T
ALTER TABLE tableName ADD newColumn INT;

# We can also rename a column:
ALTER TABLE tableName RENAME COLUMN newColumn TO oldColumn;

# Or delete a column: 
ALTER TABLE tableName DROP oldColumn;

# Insert a new row with values in a table
# INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (column1_value, column2_value, column3_value, ...);
INSERT INTO persona VALUES("alvaro", 54, 1);

# Insert a new row with values in a table, but skipping some columns
INSERT INTO table_name(column2, column3, ...) VALUES (column2_value, column3_value, ...);

# We can also insert multiple records at once by separating them with a comma:
INSERT INTO logins(username, password) VALUES ('john', 'john123!'), ('tom', 'tom123!');

# Show all columns from table
SELECT * FROM tableName

# Show only some columns from the table
SELECT column1,column2 FROM tableName

# Select a row from a table filtering by the value of a given column
SELECT * FROM persona WHERE nombre="alvaro";

# JOIN query
SELECT * FROM oficina JOIN persona ON;

# UNION query. This means, for an attack, that the number of columns has to be the same
SELECT * FROM oficina UNION SELECT * from persona;

# Sorting data on the bases on edad column
SELECT * FROM persona ORDER BY edad;

# Retrieving first record from the table.
SELECT * from persona order by edad limit 1;

# Count the number of people stored in persona
SELECT count(*) from persona;

# Context: a wordpress database
# Identify how many distinct authors have published a post in the blog
SELECT DISTINCT(post_author) from wpdatabase.wp_posts;

# Remove tables and databases from server
DROP TABLE tableName;

# the UPDATE statement can be used to update specific records within a table, based on certain conditions. Its general syntax is:
UPDATE tableName SET column1=newvalue1, column2=newvalue2, ... WHERE <condition>;
# UNION Statement syntax
#<SELECT statement> UNION <other SELECT statement>;
# Example:
SELECT name, description FROM products WHERE id=9 UNION SELECT price FROM products WHERE id=9;

Enumeration queries

# Show current user

# Show current database

Well-know vulnerabilities


Anonymous access enabled.


MySQL 5.6.x servers:  CVE-2012-2122 , among others. It allowed us to bypass authentication by repeatedly using the same incorrect password for the given account because the timing attack vulnerability existed in the way MySQL handled authentication attempts. In this timing attack, MySQL repeatedly attempts to authenticate to a server and measures the time it takes for the server to respond to each attempt. By measuring the time it takes the server to respond, we can determine when the correct password has been found, even if the server does not indicate success or failure.

Last update: 2024-11-03
Created: January 3, 2023 12:54:46