my eval: I'm not sure about how accurate it is. I was working on the Goldeneye1 machine from vulnhub and moodlescan identied the moodle version as 2.2.2 when in reality is 2.2.3.
Requirements: Install Python 3 and Install the package python3-pip
| git clone
cd moodlescan
pip install -r requirements.txt
Basic commands
| python -u [URL]
# -u [URL] : URL with the target, the moodle to scan
# -a : Update the database of vulnerabilities to latest version
# -r : Enable HTTP requests with random user-agent
# -k : Ignore SSL Certificate
# Proxy configuration
# -p [URL] : URL of proxy server (http)
# -b [user] : User for authenticate to proxy server
# -c [password] : Password for authenticate to proxt server
# -d [protocol] : Protocol of authentication: basic or ntlm
Last update: 2023-05-02
Created: January 19, 2023 22:13:19