LOLbins - "Living off the land" binaries: LOLbas and GTFObins
The term LOLBins (Living off the Land binaries) came from a Twitter discussion on what to call binaries that an attacker can use to perform actions beyond their original purpose. There are currently two websites that aggregate information on Living off the Land binaries:
Windows - LOLBAS
Let's use CertReq.exe as an example.
Linux - GTFOBins
Other Common Living off the Land tools
Bitsadmin Download function
The Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) can be used to download files from HTTP sites and SMB shares. It "intelligently" checks host and network utilization into account to minimize the impact on a user's foreground work.
PowerShell also enables interaction with BITS, enables file downloads and uploads, supports credentials, and can use specified proxy servers.
Download a File with Certutil
Certutil can be used to download arbitrary files.