voy# Nibbles - A Hack The Box machine
Visiting the IP:80 in the browser and reviewing source code there is a comment:
So, we have a website at
Dirb enumeration reveals a login panel:
Too many login attempts too quickly trigger a lockout with the message "Nibbleblog security error - Blacklist protection".
Also, dirb enumeration reveals some directories that are listable. Browsing around we get to this file: where user "admin" is exposed.
Also CMS version is disclosed in
A quick search for that version brings up this vulnerability:
In the usage example we can read:
Default credentials are:
Also, reading the code of the exploit, we can see that the triggered endpoint for this CVE-2015-6967 is:
Knowing this, we can login into the panel and go to Plugins>My Image> Configure.
In the browser, upload a file. In my case, I uploaded my pentesmonkey.
Now, we need to find where this file has been saved to. After browsing around, I ended up in
There there was a file called image.php. Before clicking on it, we open in our attacker machine a netcat listener:
Click on the file image.php listed in and you will have a reverse shell.
Cat user.txt (under /home/nibbler).
Privilege escalation
At /home/nibbler, unzip the file personal.zip. Now you can even replace monitor.sh for a different monitor.sh. Mine has:
Now run:
And you are root. Remember to do a chmod if needed.
Some input from HTB walkthrough
You can run nmap script for nibbles service:
For privilege escalation:
Alternative way:
We need to set the admin username and password admin:nibbles and the TARGETURI to nibbleblog.
Last update: 2024-06-06 Created: May 23, 2023 19:56:20