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Frida - A dynamic instrumentation toolkit

Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers. It lets you inject snippets of JavaScript or your own library into native apps on Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, Android, FreeBSD, and QNX. Frida also provides you with some simple tools built on top of the Frida API. These can be used as-is, tweaked to your needs, or serve as examples of how to use the API. More.

Installation and set up

Download it:

pip install frida-tools
pip install frida

Unzip the file with extension xz:

unxz frida-server-15.1.14-android-x86.xz

Make sure we're connected to the device:

adb connect

Upload frida file to the device:

adb push frida-server-15.1.14-android-x86 /data/local/tmp/frida-server

We go to the path where we have stored the file:

adb shell
cd /data/local/temp

We list contents, see frida-server file, and we change permissions:

ls -la
chmod 777 frida-server

Now we can run the binary:


From another terminal we can see processes running on the device:

frida-ps U

Install Burp Certificate in Frida

Our goal is to install it at: /system/etc/security/cacerts. Here we can find stored Authority certificates and it 's the place where we will install Burp certificate.

First, we open Burp > Proxy > Options > Proxy Listener and we click on "Import / Export CA Certificate". We save it in DER format to a folder accessible from kali. We can give it the name: cacert.der.

Second, we convert der format to pem:

openssl x509 -inform DER -in cacert.der -out cacert.pem

Now, we extract the hash that we will use later on to name the certificate.

openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in cacert.pem | head -1

It returns (for instance): 9a5ba575.

Let's change the name to cacert.pem:

mv cacert.pem 9a5ba575.0

To act as root we'll run:

adb root

And to mount again the units:

adb remount

Netx step will be to upload the certificate 9a5ba575.0 to the SD Card:

adb push 9a5ba575.0 /sdcard/

Let's go to that directory and move the file to our preferred location:

adb shell
cd /sdcard
ls -la
mv 9a5ba575.0 /system/etc/security/cacerts

Change permissions to the file:

chmod 644 /system/etc/security/cacerts/9a5ba575.0

In Burp now we need a Proxy Listener. We will indicate the Host-Only IP that we have in our kali. For instance: Port: 8080.

And in the wifi settings of the virtual device running on GenyMotion (for instance a Galaxy6), we need to indicate this same IP on Host-Only mode from our kali.

Basic commands

# Display active processes, and installed
frida-ps -Ua

# Restaurate class loaders
Java.perform(function() {
    var application = Java.use("");
    var classloader;
    application.attach.overload('android.content.Context').implementation = function(context) {
        var result = this.attach(context);
        classloader = context.getClassLoader();
        Java.classFactory.loader = classloader;
    return result;

# Enumerate classes loaded in memory
Java.perform(function() {
        "onMatch": function(className) {
        "onComplete": function(){]

# Enumerate classes loaded in memory linked to a specific <package>
    "onMatch": function(className) {
        if(className.includes("<package>")) {
    "onComplete": function(){]

# Android version installed on device

# Execute a method of an Activity
Java.choose("<Name and path of the activity>"), {
    onMatch: function(instance) {
    // This function will be called for every instance found by frida console.log (Found instance: "+ instance).
        instace.<Method name>/<function()>;
    onComplete: function(){}

# Save an Activity in a variable
var NameofVariable = Java.use(<nameOfActivity>); 

# Execute a script js from Frida
frida -U -l instance.js

# Modify the implementation of a function
var activity = Java.use(;
activity.normalshoot.implementation = function(x,y){
    //print the original arguments
    console.log("Dentro de normalshoot");
    this.score.value += 10000;
    // in the original code:
    // this.score += 2;
Last update: 2024-02-29
Created: January 4, 2023 00:07:39