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Final recon

A Python-based reconnaissance tool offering a range of modules for different tasks like SSL certificate checking, Whois information gathering, header analysis, and crawling. Its modular structure enables easy customisation for specific needs.


git clone
cd FinalRecon
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x /

Basic commands

Option Argument Description
-h--help Show the help message and exit.
--url URL Specify the target URL.
--headers Retrieve header information for the target URL.
--sslinfo Get SSL certificate information for the target URL.
--whois Perform a Whois lookup for the target domain.
--crawl Crawl the target website.
--dns Perform DNS enumeration on the target domain.
--sub Enumerate subdomains for the target domain.
--dir Search for directories on the target website.
--wayback Retrieve Wayback URLs for the target.
--ps Perform a fast port scan on the target.
--full Perform a full reconnaissance scan on the target.
./ --headers --whois --url
Last update: 2024-09-16
Created: September 12, 2024 19:09:34