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dnscan - A DNS subdomain scanner

dnscan is a python wordlist-based DNS subdomain scanner.

The script will first try to perform a zone transfer using each of the target domain's nameservers.

If this fails, it will lookup TXT and MX records for the domain, and then perform a recursive subdomain scan using the supplied wordlist.


Requirements: dnscan requires Python 3, and the netaddr (version 0.7.19 or greater) and dnspython (version 2.0.0 or greater) libraries.

git clone
cd dnscan
pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage (-d \<domain\> | -l \<list\>) [OPTIONS]
# Mandatory Arguments
#    -d  --domain                              Target domain; OR
#    -l  --list                                Newline separated file of domains to scan

Optional Arguments

-w --wordlist <wordlist>                  Wordlist of subdomains to use
-t --threads <threadcount>                Threads (1 - 32), default 8
-6 --ipv6                                 Scan for IPv6 records (AAAA)
-z --zonetransfer                         Perform zone transfer and exit
-r --recursive                            Recursively scan subdomains
   --recurse-wildcards                    Recursively scan wildcards (slow)

-m --maxdepth                             Maximum levels to scan recursively
-a --alterations                          Scan for alterations of subdomains (slow)
-R --resolver <resolver>                  Use the specified resolver instead of the system default
-L --resolver-list <file>                 Read list of resolvers from a file
-T --tld                                  Scan for the domain in all TLDs
-o --output <filename>                    Output to a text file
-i --output-ips <filename>                Output discovered IP addresses to a text file
-n --nocheck                              Don't check nameservers before scanning. Useful in airgapped networks
-q --quick                                Only perform the zone transfer and subdomain scans. Suppresses most file output with -o
-N --no-ip                                Don't print IP addresses in the output
-v --verbose                              Verbose output
-h --help                                 Display help text

Custom insertion points can be specified by adding %% in the domain name, such as: -d
Last update: 2023-05-02
Created: January 3, 2023 12:54:46