dirb - A web content enumeration tool
DIRB is a web content fingerprinting tool. It scans the server for directories using a dictionary file.
Scan the web server ( for directories using a dictionary file (/usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt):
See dictionaries in this repo.
Path to default dictionary: /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/
Basic commands
| dirb <HOST> /path/to/dictionary.txt -o results.txt
# No flag needed to specify path to dictionary.
# -o: to print results to a file.
# -a: agent application. In case that the app checks out this header (use it with https://useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php)
# -p: for indicating a proxy (for instance, Burp: dirb <target host or IP> -p
# -c: it adds a cookie (dirb <target host or IP> -c “MYCOOKIE: ashdkjashdjkas”)
# -H: it adds a customized header (dirb <target host or IP> -H “MYHEADER: Mycontent”)
# -r: don’t search recursively in directories
# -z: it adds a millisecond delay to not cause excessive Flood.
# -S: silent mode. It doesn’t show tested words.
# -X: It allows us to specify extensions (dirb <target host or IP> -X “.php, .bak”). Appends each word with this extension
# -x: It allows us to use a file with extensions (dirb <target host or IP> -x extensionfile.txt). Appends each word with the extensions specified in the file
# -o: to save the results in an output file
Last update: 2023-05-02
Created: January 18, 2023 20:02:39