curl -i -L $host -v
# -L: Follow redirections
# -i: Include headers in the response
# -v: verbose
curl -T file.txt
# -T, --upload-file <file>; This transfers the specified local file to the remote URL. -T uses PUT http method
curl -o target/path/filename URL
# -o: to specify a location/filename
# Upload a File
curl -F "Filedata=@./shellsample.php" URL
# Sends a GET request
curl -X GET $ip
# Sends a HEAD request
curl -l $ip
# Sends a OPTIONS request
curl -X OPTIONS $ip
# Sends a POST request with parameters name and password in the body data
curl -X POST $ip -d "name=username&password=password" -v
# Upload a file with a PUT method
curl $ip/uploads/ --upload-file hello.txt
curl -XDELETE $ip/uploads/hello.txt
# Delete a file