CPTS labs - 06 File Transfers
File Transfers
Windows File Transfer methods
Download the file flag.txt from the web root using wget from the Pwnbox. Submit the contents of the file as your answer.
Results: b1a4ca918282fcd96004565521944a3b
RDP to (ACADEMY-MISC-MS02) with user "htb-student" and password "HTB_@cademy_stdnt!". Upload the attached file named upload_win.zip to the target using the method of your choice. Once uploaded, unzip the archive, and run "hasher upload_win.txt" from the command line. Submit the generated hash as your answer.
Results: f458303ea783c224c6b4e7ef7f17eb9d
Linux File Transfer methods
Download the file flag.txt from the web root using Python from the Pwnbox. Submit the contents of the file as your answer.
Results: 5d21cf3da9c0ccb94f709e2559f3ea50
SSH to (ACADEMY-MISC-NIX04) with user "htb-student" and password "HTB_@cademy_stdnt!". Upload the attached file named upload_nix.zip to the target using the method of your choice. Once uploaded, SSH to the box, extract the file, and run "hasher <extracted file>
" from the command line. Submit the generated hash as your answer.
Results: 159cfe5c65054bbadb2761cfa359c8b0
Last update: 2025-01-26 Created: January 26, 2025 19:15:53