CPTS labs - 04 Information Gathering
Information Gathering - Web Edition
Utilizing WHOIS
Perform a WHOIS lookup against the paypal.com domain. What is the registrar Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) ID number?
Results: 292
What is the admin email contact for the tesla.com domain (also in-scope for the Tesla bug bounty program)?
Results: admin@dnstinations.com
DNS & Subdomains
Digging DNS
Which IP address maps to inlanefreight.com?
Which domain is returned when querying the PTR record for
Results: inlanefreight.com
What is the full domain returned when you query the mail records for facebook.com?
Results: smtpin.vvv.facebook.com
Subdomain BruteForcing
Using the known subdomains for inlanefreight.com (www, ns1, ns2, ns3, blog, support, customer), find any missing subdomains by brute-forcing possible domain names. Provide your answer with the complete subdomain, e.g., www.inlanefreight.com.
Results: my.inlanefreight.com
DNS Zone Transfers
After performing a zone transfer for the domain inlanefreight.htb on the target system, how many DNS records are retrieved from the target system's name server? Provide your answer as an integer, e.g, 123.
Results: 22
Within the zone record transferred above, find the ip address for ftp.admin.inlanefreight.htb. Respond only with the IP address, eg
Within the same zone record, identify the largest IP address allocated within the 10.10.200 IP range. Respond with the full IP address, eg
Virtual Hosts
Brute-force vhosts on the target system. What is the full subdomain that is prefixed with "web"? Answer using the full domain, e.g. "x.inlanefreight.htb"
Important, the --append-domain part
Results: web17611.inlanefreight.htb
Brute-force vhosts on the target system. What is the full subdomain that is prefixed with "vm"? Answer using the full domain, e.g. "x.inlanefreight.htb"
Results: vm5.inlanefreight.htb
Brute-force vhosts on the target system. What is the full subdomain that is prefixed with "br"? Answer using the full domain, e.g. "x.inlanefreight.htb"
Results: browser.inlanefreight.htb
Brute-force vhosts on the target system. What is the full subdomain that is prefixed with "a"? Answer using the full domain, e.g. "x.inlanefreight.htb"
Results: admin.inlanefreight.htb
Brute-force vhosts on the target system. What is the full subdomain that is prefixed with "su"? Answer using the full domain, e.g. "x.inlanefreight.htb"
Results: support.inlanefreight.htb
Determine the Apache version running on app.inlanefreight.local on the target system. (Format: 0.0.0)
Results: 2.4.41B
Which CMS is used on app.inlanefreight.local on the target system? Respond with the name only, e.g., WordPress.
Results: Joomla
On which operating system is the dev.inlanefreight.local webserver running in the target system? Respond with the name only, e.g., Debian.
Results: Ubuntu
Creepy crawlies
After spidering inlanefreight.com, identify the location where future reports will be stored. Respond with the full domain, e.g., files.inlanefreight.com.
Results: inlanefreight-comp133.s3.amazonaws.htb
Web Archives
How many Pen Testing Labs did HackTheBox have on the 8th August 2018? Answer with an integer, eg 1234.
Go to https://web.archive.org/web/20180808080705/https://www.hackthebox.eu/
Results: 74
How many members did HackTheBox have on the 10th June 2017? Answer with an integer, eg 1234.
Go to https://web.archive.org/web/20180808080705/https://www.hackthebox.eu/
Results: 3054
Going back to March 2002, what website did the facebook.com domain redirect too? Answer with the full domain, eg http://www.facebook.com/
Go to https://web.archive.org/web/20020601000000*/www.facebook.com
Results: http://site.aboutface.com/
According to the paypal.com website in October 1999, what could you use to "beam money to anyone"? Answer with the product name, eg My Device, remove the ™ from your answer.
Go to https://web.archive.org/web/19991013140707/http://paypal.com/
Results: Palm 0rganizer
Going back to November 1998 on google.com, what address hosted the non-alpha "Google Search Engine Prototype" of Google? Answer with the full address, eg http://google.com
Go to https://web.archive.org/web/19981111184551/http://google.com/
Results: http://google.stanford.edu/
Going back to March 2000 on www.iana.org, when exacty was the site last updated? Answer with the date in the footer, eg 11-March-99
Go to https://web.archive.org/web/20000303211237/http://www.iana.org/
Results: 17-December-99
According to the wikipedia.com snapshot taken in March 2001, how many pages did they have over? Answer with the number they state without any commas, eg 2000 not 2,000
Go to https://web.archive.org/web/20010331173908/http://www.wikipedia.com/
Results: 3000
Skills Assessment
What is the IANA ID of the registrar of the inlanefreight.com domain?
Results: 468
What http server software is powering the inlanefreight.htb site on the target system? Respond with the name of the software, not the version, e.g., Apache.
Results: nginx
What is the API key in the hidden admin directory that you have discovered on the target system?
Results: e963d863ee0e82ba7080fbf558ca0d3f
After crawling the inlanefreight.htb domain on the target system, what is the email address you have found? Respond with the full email, e.g., mail@inlanefreight.htb.
Results: 1337testing@inlanefreight.htb
What is the API key the inlanefreight.htb developers will be changing too?
Results: ba988b835be4aa97d068941dc852ff33
Last update: 2025-01-26 Created: January 26, 2025 19:15:53