arpspoof from dniff
dniff is a collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing. It includes arpspoof, a utility designed to intercept traffic on a switched LAN.
Before running, enable Linux Kernel IP Forwarding (this transforms Linux box into a router).
And then, run arpspoof:
After that, run Wireshark to intercept the traffic.
- SMB traffic. When capturing smb traffic in wireshark, go to: FILE>Export Objects>SMB/SMB2. There you have all files uploaded or downloaded from a server during a SMB capture session.
- Telnet traffic: Telnet sends characters one by one, that's why you don't see the username/password straight away. But with "Follow TCP Stream", wireshark will put all data together and you will be able to see the username/password. Just rightclick on a packet of the telnet session and choose: "Follow TCP Stream".