Privileges escalation in Active Directory from Linux
Hardening and auditing Active Directory
Attacking from linux
Attacking from Windows
Linux in AD
There are several ways to gain SYSTEM-level access on a host, including but not limited to:
- Remote Windows exploits such as MS08-067, EternalBlue, or BlueKeep.
- Abusing a service running in the context of the
SYSTEM account
, or abusing the service accountSeImpersonate
privileges using Juicy Potato. This type of attack is possible on older Windows OS' but not always possible with Windows Server 2019. - Local privilege escalation flaws in Windows operating systems such as the Windows 10 Task Scheduler 0-day.
- Gaining admin access on a domain-joined host with a local account and using Psexec to launch a SYSTEM cmd window
By gaining SYSTEM-level access on a domain-joined host, you will be able to perform actions such as, but not limited to:
- Enumerate the domain using built-in tools or offensive tools such as BloodHound and PowerView.
- Perform Kerberoasting / ASREPRoasting attacks within the same domain.
- Run tools such as Inveigh to gather Net-NTLMv2 hashes or perform SMB relay attacks.
- Perform token impersonation to hijack a privileged domain user account.
- Carry out ACL attacks. is a clone of the Sysinternals psexec executable, but works slightly differently from the original. The tool creates a remote service by uploading a randomly-named executable to the ADMIN$
share on the target host. It then registers the service via RPC
and the Windows Service Control Manager
. Once established, communication happens over a named pipe, providing an interactive remote shell as SYSTEM
on the victim host. utilizes a semi-interactive shell where commands are executed through Windows Management Instrumentation. It does not drop any files or executables on the target host and generates fewer logs than other modules. After connecting, it runs as the local admin user we connected with (this can be less obvious to someone hunting for an intrusion than seeing SYSTEM executing many commands).
🔐 Kerberoasting
See about Kerberos authentication.
Kerberoasting is a lateral movement/privilege escalation technique in Active Directory environments. This attack targets Service Principal Names (SPN) accounts.
Domain accounts are often used to run services to overcome the network authentication limitations of built-in accounts such as NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
. Any domain user can request a Kerberos ticket for any service account in the same domain. This is also possible across forest trusts if authentication is permitted across the trust boundary.
Requirements to perform a Kerberoasting attack:
- an account's cleartext password (or NTLM hash),
- a shell in the context of a domain user account or SYSTEM level access on a domain-joined host.
Depending on your position in a network, this attack can be performed in multiple ways:
- From a non-domain joined Linux host using valid domain user credentials.
- From a domain-joined Linux host as root after retrieving the keytab file.
- From a domain-joined Windows host authenticated as a domain user.
- From a domain-joined Windows host with a shell in the context of a domain account.
- As SYSTEM on a domain-joined Windows host.
- From a non-domain joined Windows host using runas /netonly.
Several tools can be utilized to perform the attack:
- Impacket’s from a non-domain joined Linux host.
- A combination of the built-in setspn.exe Windows binary, PowerShell, and Mimikatz.
- From Windows, utilizing tools such as PowerView, Rubeus, and other PowerShell scripts.
1. Install Impacket from:
2. Gather a listing of SPNs in the domain. We will need a set of valid domain credentials and the IP address of a Domain Controller.
3. Requesting all TGS Tickets:
4. Or request just the TGS ticket for a specific account.
5. Cracking the Ticket Offline with Hashcat.
targetedKerberoast is a Python script that can, like many others (e.g., print "kerberoast" hashes for user accounts that have a SPN set. This tool brings the following additional feature: for each user without SPNs, it tries to set one (abuse of a write permission on the servicePrincipalName attribute), print the "kerberoast" hash, and delete the temporary SPN set for that operation. This is called targeted Kerberoasting. This tool can be used against all users of a domain, or supplied in a list, or one user supplied in the CLI.
👀 Attacking Domain Trusts # 1: Child -> Parent Trusts
🏰 ExtraSids Attack
Requirements for performing the attack:
- The KRBTGT hash for the child domain
- The SID for the child domain
- The name of a target user in the child domain (does not need to exist!)
- The FQDN of the child domain
- The SID of the Enterprise Admins group of the root domain
We have complete control over the child domain, which would be: LOGISTICS.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL.
Step 1: getting the KRBTGT hash for the child domain
We will perform a DCSync attack with
For this we need:
- The user (htb-student_adm
) must have the necessary privileges to query the domain controller. We need their creds.
- We require to know $targetedDomain and NetbiosNameofDomain.
- The Impacket library must be installed, and the tool should be executed in an environment with Python support.
- Network connectivity to the target IP (in this example
) is required.
Step 2: getting the SID for the child domain
Next, we can use , an Impacket script used for querying a Windows system to obtain information about the SID associated with a given user or group.
The tool will give us back the SID for the domain and the RIDs for each user and group that could be used to create their SID in the format DOMAIN_SID-RID
If we just want to get the Domain SID, we can filter it out:
Results: S-1-5-21-2806153819-209893948-922872689
Step 3: getting the name of a target user in the child domain (does not need to exist!)
For instance, hacker
Step 4: getting the FQDN of the child domain.
Step 5: getting the SID of the Enterprise Admins group of the root domain
Next, we can rerun the command, targeting the INLANEFREIGHT Domain Controller (DC01) at We will perform a SID enumeration on the target system and filter the results to find information related to the Enterprise Admins group in the Active Directory (AD) domain. For filtering we will use the RID of the Enterprise Admins group. Here is a handy list of well-known SIDs.
As the domain SID was: S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114
and the RID is 519
, the SID of "Enterprise Admin" group is S-1-5-21-3842939050-3880317879-2865463114-519
Step 6: Generate a golden ticket
Next, we can use from the Impacket toolkit to construct a Golden Ticket. This ticket will be valid to access resources in the child domain (specified by -domain-sid
) and the parent domain (specified by -extra-sid
The ticket will be saved down to our system as a credential cache (ccache) file, which is a file used to hold Kerberos credentials:
Setting the KRB5CCNAME environment variable tells the system to use this file for Kerberos authentication attempts.
We can check if we can successfully authenticate to the parent domain's Domain Controller using Impacket's version of Psexec. If successful, we will be dropped into a SYSTEM shell on the target Domain Controller.
Step 7: Privilege escalation
Impacket also has the tool, which will automate escalating from child to parent domain.
We need to specify the target domain controller and credentials for an administrative user in the child domain.
Step 8: Accessing another user on domain
The following will reproduce the entire attack:
🌳 Cross-Forest Kerberoasting
Sometimes you cannot escalate privileges in your current domain, but instead can obtain a Kerberos ticket and crack a hash for an administrative user in another domain that has Domain/Enterprise Admin privileges in both domains.
To do this, we need credentials for a user that can authenticate into the other domain and specify the -target-domain
flag in our command.
Rerunning the command with the -request
flag added gives us the TGS ticket.
Now, with those TGS we could try to crack them offline
🐇 Hunting Foreign Group Membership with Bloodhound-python
we may, from time to time, see users or admins from one domain as members of a group in another domain. Since only Domain Local Groups
allow users from outside their forest, it is not uncommon to see a highly privileged user from Domain A as a member of the built-in administrators group in domain B when dealing with a bidirectional forest trust relationship.
If we are testing from a Linux host, we can gather this information by using the Python implementation of BloodHound.
Collecting information from INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL
Modify the file so it will have the following entries:
Running bloodhound-python Against INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL:
We can compress the resultant zip files to upload one single zip file directly into the BloodHound GUI.
Collecting information from INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL
Modify the file so it will have the following entries:
Running bloodhound-python Against FREIGHTLOGISTICS.LOCAL
We can compress the resultant zip files to upload one single zip file directly into the BloodHound GUI.
Transfer the files to your attacker machine, open Bloodhound in your attacker machine, upload the zip. Now we can click on Users with Foreign Domain Group Membership under the Analysis tab and select the source domain as INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL. Here, we will see the built-in Administrator account for the INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL domain is a member of the built-in Administrators group in the FREIGHTLOGISTICS.LOCAL domain as we saw previously.