Map Execution Paths through applications
OWASP Web Security Testing Guide 4.2 > 1. Information Gathering > 1.7. Map Execution Paths through applications
ID | Link to Hackinglife | Link to OWASP | Objectives |
1.7 | WSTG-INFO-07 | Map Execution Paths Through Application | - Map the target application and understand the principal workflows. - Use HTTP(s) Proxy Spider/Crawler feature aligned with application walkthrough |
Map the target application and understand the principal workflows (paths, data flow and race conditions.)
You may use authomatic spidering tools such as Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP).
Create a folder for replicating in it your target.
Interactive mode:
First, create a file with the target domains, like for instance, listOfdomains.txt.
Then, run:
After that you will get a report.html file with the request and a screenshot of those domains.
# Proxing the request via BurpSuite
eyewitness --web -f listOfdomains.txt -d path/to/save/ --proxy-ip --proxy-port 8080
Directory/File enumeration
gobuster dir -u <exact target url> -w </path/dic.txt> -b 403,4.4 -x .php,.txt -r
# -b: exclude from results an specific http response`
# -r: follow redirects
# -x: add to the path provided by dictionary these extensions
ffuf -w /path/to/wordlist -u https://target/FUZZ
# Assuming that the default virtualhost response size is 4242 bytes, we can filter out all the responses of that size (`-fs 4242`)while fuzzing the Host - header:
ffuf -w /path/to/vhost/wordlist -u https://target -H "Host: FUZZ" -fs 4242
# Enumerating directories and folders:
ffuf -recursion -recursion-depth 1 -u http://$ip/FUZZ -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-directories-lowercase.txt
# -recursion: activates the recursive scan
# -recursion-depth 1: specifies the maximum depth to scan
# fuzz a combination of folder names, with a wordlist of possible files and a dictionary of extensions
ffuf -w ./folders.txt:FOLDERS,./wordlist.txt:WORDLIST,./extensions.txt:EXTENSIONS -u http://$ip/FOLDERS/WORDLISTEXTENSIONS