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Conduct search engine discovery reconnaissance for information leakage

OWASP Web Security Testing Guide 4.2 > 1. Information Gathering > 1.1. Conduct search engine discovery reconnaissance for information leakage

ID Link to Hackinglife Link to OWASP Objectives
1.1 WSTG-INFO-01 Conduct Search Engine Discovery Reconnaissance for Information Leakage - Identify what sensitive design and configuration information of the application, system, or organization is exposed directly (on the organization's website) or indirectly (via third-party services).

This is merely passive reconnaissance.

Use multiple search engines

  • Baidu
  • Bing
  • Common crawl
  • Duckduckgo
  • Wayback machine
  • Startpage (based on google but trackers and logs)
  • Shodan.

Use operators

Google Dorks

More about google dorks.

Google Dorking Query Expected results
intitle:"api" site: "" Finds all publicly available API related content in a given hostname. Another cool example for API versions: inurl:"/api/v1" site: ""
intitle:"json" site: "" Many APIs use json, so this might be a cool filter
inurl:"/wp-son/wp/v2/users" Finds all publicly available WordPress API user directories.
intitle:"index.of" intext:"api.txt" Finds publicly available API key files.
inurl:"/api/v1" intext:"index of /" Finds potentially interesting API directories.
intitle:"index of" api_key OR "api key" OR apiKey -pool This is one of my favorite queries. It lists potentially exposed API keys.

Use cache operator


More Githun Dorking.

Github Dowking Query Expected results
applicationName api key After getting results, filter by issue and you may find some api keys. It's common to leave api keys exposed when rebasing a git repo, for instance
api_key -
authorization_bearer -
oauth -
auth -
authentication -
client_secret -
api_token -
client_id -
password -
user_password -
user_pass -
passcode -
client_secret -
secret -
password hash -
user auth -
extension: json nasa Results show some extensions that include json, so they might be API related
shodan_api_key Results show shodan api keys
"authorization: Bearer" This search reveal some authorization token.
filename: swagger.json Go to Code tab and you will have the swagger file.


Go to shodan.

Shodan Dowking Query Expected results
"content-type: application/json" This type of content is usually related to APIs
"wp-json" If you are using wordpress

WaybackMachine with WayBackUrls

waybackurls inspects back URLs saved by Wayback Machine and look for specific keywords. Installation:

go install

Basic usage:

waybackurls -dates > waybackurls.txt

cat waybackurls.txt

Dork for API endpoints discovery:

Waybackmachine Dowking Query Expected results
Path to a API We are trying to see is there is a recorded history of the API. It may provide us with endpoints that used to exist but allegedly not anymore.
Last update: 2023-12-26
Created: December 24, 2023 11:19:43